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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Thanks for posting! Care to share the price and quantity per jar? I may have to wait til they hit a store, I’m not very good at internet purchases
  2. $5 is cheap, ours is $21. Trout are a giant waste of time and resources to me but I still buy the stamp and try to catch them for some reason
  3. It doesn’t matter who is in the playoffs, they should just do bama v. Clemson again (and again) . Since they started having playoffs, only once has it not gone all “chalk”
  4. I wouldn’t fret it (tell your wife we said that). Call some fab shops and ask who welds on aluminum, they will most likely fix it for way less money than you might imagine. The people that have welded on my boat tried not to take any money
  5. Nice work young lady! (And dad)
  6. Any bourbon would work, most people keep cheap ones in the cooking cabinet and expensive ones in the drinking cabinet
  7. 4-6 lb line. Small hooks medium or ML rod
  8. Swim jig is all I can get to come through grass
  9. Sweetness was awesome. Jim brown was as well. Barry sanders.......... I’m an NFL films junkie, Steve Sabol was on my TV almost daily when I was little
  10. Trick worm is always good in a swamp!
  11. Got 6 species and dinner. Largemouth, shellcracker, bluegill, white crappie, black crappie, and yellow bass
  12. Maybe!!........
  13. You da man! That’s a lot of jambalaya
  14. Her breed is beyond undetermined but a vet mentioned maybe some blue heeler
  15. this is why we call her backwards dog. She always comes up to you, turns her back to you, and cranes her neck to look backwards. (Proper name is mango)
  16. Halibut is awesome!!!! I caught a few in Alaska and flew them home in the overhead storage compartment! No kidding
  17. 8 kids??????? You are a very patient man! Kudos to you. Also, that looks delicious and now I want some
  18. Aka Tennessee credit card.
  19. I never fill up any gas tanks, it’s a function of being lower middle class! Haha one of my buddies used to say “well what if I crash my truck? Then all that gas will just get towed away “ hahaha
  20. Imagine all the sweaters and wool socks a Florida bass would have to wear on Norris lake
  21. Another vote for the dew
  22. Humbug
  23. Down south we call it “just piiiiiiiiieeeee” Type of pie is unimportant, only volume of pie matters
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