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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. @Bubba 460, great story. I fished halibuts in homer and brought back 51 lbs of frozen meat in the overhead storage compartment of a commercial airplane
  2. I got another one for Christmas from my brother yesterday. He said he bought it on Instagram! Hahaha
  3. Hahaha . The way I understand it , they all show the same thing? I’m sure you’ve heard wheeler had all 3 brands on his boat this year and did very well. It’s just different interpretations of the same information, probably all boils down to personal preference.
  4. If a bass met a trout for the very first time in its entire life, it would try to eat it. Even if it was resting, it will now think about eating that trout for the rest of their relationship. I’ve seen bass follow 5 foot water snakes for quite some time, they only look at other creatures with one idea in mind
  5. +1! Tritons are awesome. I don’t own one but have pulled many a bass into them
  6. Mom sent me home with some derby pie today. It’s like pecan pie with chocolate chips and maybe a slightly different filling, not sure . It’s really d**ned good, that I am sure of
  7. Yeah but you’ve got that thing loaded down with bullet sinkers for Texas rigs to the OP, You say you won’t be running it for long periods. If this is true 100% of the time, the 3 gallon will be fine. But like everyone said a bigger one will allow you to drive further or maybe one day try bigger waters. The main factor on fuel economy: is your 9.9 two stroke or 4?
  8. No votes for 65 lb braid? I thought I read on here that fish weren’t line shy and would bite a lure attach to steel winch cable ?
  9. Yes that’s always a worry..........
  10. I did that last year when I was 35 . Quite nerve racking
  11. I tried that once. The boat stopped abruptly and the ice was unharmed
  12. I played competitive golf in high school, sure don’t miss it! I was always thinking about the bass in the water hazards anyway
  13. Gotcha. I am going to try some trail running this winter, sunset at 5:30 is not compatible with an active lifestyle. In summer I go to bed at like 11 dead tired and sweaty. In winter I’m inside by 6:30 sweeping the floor for the tenth time. And not sweating
  14. I don’t have any idea what size the baits you mentioned are but I like the ones from academy, about the size/weight of a normal squarebill crankbait. I use them on river smallies, lost a beast on one last weekend. they also work well on reservoirs. All weather and seasons have worked so far, In the still waters you have to fish it painfully slow just to get it below 2-3 feet
  15. There is a population of largemouth bass that are always shallow. Cold, hot, windy, calm, whatever. They live in shallow water and rarely leave it. Why would they? Sure there are largemouth that live in deep water and some that use shallow and deep water, but there are plenty of big bass that LIVE shallow year round. Folks like Jason Christie and Edwin Evers are really good at catching them too
  16. Yea I joined several local fishing forums after college in 08 when I realized they existed. They basically all went down to about very small amount of members when everyone just started using facebook for fish pics instead. Well I don’t want anything to do with Facebook, then I found bass resource! What a great find, I read it like 35 times a day
  17. We might have some good battles on the basketball floor this year! @Sam, Tennessee plays West Virginia in the liberty bowl
  18. We have some swimming in our rivers. They hang out with big schools of carp
  19. Haha. Well I’ve given us about 13 consecutive years to challenge bama and no dice so far maybe had you kept that pip squeak Nick saban in Baton Rouge I wouldn’t have this problem........ I’m sure you recall, but the TN program has never been the same since Matt mauck entered the 2001 SEC championship game. We were all set to play USC in the rose bowl........
  20. I thought we had to say jumanji over and over? Actually that movie scared the crap out of me when I was little
  21. Nice work Sam! How tall are you? I’m 6’1” and usually around 200. Might have been around 180 in the college starvation period
  22. I hope you’re right but I have zero confidence in the administration
  23. I think I remember commenting on that thread because I have access to wild hogs with black fur
  24. Not if you lose the jig. I’m not into throwing bottom baits that cost that much, especially when the trailer costs more than the jig.
  25. We could maybe win a 1A high school championship. Maybe
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