Still a decent bit of snow around so I decided to do some bank fishing. One of my frequent fishing buddies said he was down to go also, yee haw. Stopped below a main river dam hoping for white bass and maybe walleye. After 45 minutes or so and nothing but a drum, I ask josh if he wants to try another dam. He says “that sounds fine, I haven’t fished right here since the last time me and you did about 17 years ago....” 17.............. geez time flies............... but I digress. As we are walking back up the stairs to relocate, a fella hooks up with a decent walleye and we start second guessing our decision. Get to dam #2 and the water is off.......... forgot to check TVA, woops. Second guessing even further we start fishing and I remembered a boat trip long ago when a buddy said there were always Muskie up against the dam when the water was off. We start catching white bass once the jigs get down 20 feet, some nice sized ones too. As I’m reeling one in, all of a sudden it feels really slow. The water is chocked full of zebra mussels so it’s quite clear and what do I see: a big long Muskie holding my white bass like a dog bone. Well this joker just swims around with it like that forever, and ever, and ever. I tried throwing some slack so it might swallow it but nothing. I reeled him up pretty close to the bank several times and it would take off but not super fast. Finally I got him up next to my feet and he spit it out like tobacco juice ! What in the world? So I try to “cast” this dead white bass back into the river and it won’t sink. So I unhook it and we walk back to the trucks slightly defeated and a bald eagle swooped down and took the white bass. I also think the bird laughed at me