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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Haha! We call it evil Williams
  2. “Come on down, the water’s fine”
  3. Step 1: tell your friends to come fishing with you . Step 2: hand them a tool belt when they arrive then start cutting bait and fishing . Step 3: make sure the people you invite are good with drywall mud
  4. My New Years resolution is to let @Jigfishn10 take me onto the ocean in his new rig ............ I’ll bring the motion sickness meds
  5. Sailor take warning!
  6. Well no wonder you don’t see them often! They are very easy to tell apart down this way, they have large black blotches on their sides and no white fin tips
  7. He’s in the Windy City, home of the 2016 World Series champs
  8. Haha! Well certainly not a guarantee, especially up in your chilly waters
  9. You didn’t even see what you did there??!??!!!
  10. I grew up on the top of a huge hill, bicycles didn’t help with fishing whatsoever. Lance Armstrong couldn’t pedal up it. I caught the same ole stuff then as I do now: Bluegill, white bass, drum, carp, catfish, snapping turtles, perch, walleye, sauger, crappie, etc. But I required adult transportation
  11. People catch them somewhat frequently in the TN river. I’ve caught 2 lake sturgeon muskie is one thing we have around here that I never fish for and have never caught. The state of Tennessee has an insane amount of fish species (a little over 300) and I’ve caught a good many of them. Just no desire at all to fish for Muskie, people carry on like they are so precious I don’t even want to get into that kind of fishing.
  12. They don’t “know” they are being fished for. They just know they don’t want to die and they look at being caught as dying. They have been practicing the skill of “not dying” aka survival for a couple million years
  13. That a darn fine reel still today
  14. I don’t see them going anywhere, every red blooded person fishes around here haha
  15. Palomar! Clinch knot will work on the 65 lb braid but slips on the 20 lb and under
  16. They make 4 lb braid? Bet that’s finer than frogs hair split 4 ways
  17. I fish in canoe, kayak, bass boat, Jon boat and off the bank. And I don’t have a garage, needless to say my reels take a severe beating all the time. I can make almost any reel issues go away by taking my reels apart and cleaning them (I usually find sand and rocks inside! Haha)
  18. The part about the bear’s butt got me !! Stage 6 is awesome!
  19. I don’t really keep track but December is far and away the winner for me
  20. I bet you “smashed the like button” anyway
  21. Wildlife/fish populations always need good habitat. “Good habitat” is mainly about food with a little bit of reproduction mixed in. I didn’t study pike specifically in college because they don’t exist in TN but there’s something they eat and need to reproduce where you are seeing them. And the areas where you don’t catch them for decades must lack those two critical factors
  22. We are going to need to work on your line control, sir.......
  23. Team @Bluebasser86has enough fish slayers in the household to where you could just let the boys and the wife haul em in all day!
  24. Believe me, I know where you are coming from. I wish we could all just hang out with family and not have to go shopping. But when you have women in your life, you just gotta roll with it hahaha
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