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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. That picture sure looks fancy, is that for flats fishing??
  2. The whole lake is good fishing, you’ll see boats trying it all. The bass gets surprisingly shallow in winter, burning 2-4 foot mud flats with rattle traps is popular this time of year. Shallow water warms faster and that’s where the shad go
  3. That must be it!!! I could never figure out milk and bread, why not soup ?
  4. Holy smokes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. He might want his guitar pick back
  6. All the roofers I see have worn out tennis shoes. I get up on a few roofs almost everyday and I’ve considered it
  7. I rarely find a use for sneakers anymore now that I’m an old man. Leather boots if it’s cold, flip flops if it’s not cold. Steel toes for work
  8. They also work very well weightless with a thin hook (very slow sink with a shimmy), and on a jig head, and Carolina rig, and as a jig trailer, and wacky rig......... good worms!
  9. Well I’m sure that would work but that won’t help the never caught one with a Texas rig problem ........... ive fished those zoom worms my whole life and never knew they floated
  10. Try it on eBay....... then wear it!
  11. I use them as jig trailer all the time
  12. Ahhhh........ the good stuff........ that should easily check the Texas rig off your bucket list. 1/16 oz or 1/8 oz bullet sinker in any of those will work, especially slithered through veg or brush
  13. Pinch a split shot on a hook shank
  14. 2021 starting off with a bang
  15. Caught some perch and bluegill on lunch break, one of the perch sure looked like a rapala husky jerk . First cast was a double (perch/bluegill)
  16. We don’t have any shallow lakes, wish I could help! All I can think of is golf course ponds, the fish always use the ditches draining into the pond
  17. It’s a 50/50 shot. It will either rain or it won’t . They just flip a coin
  18. We are scheduled to get more snow tomorrow . Which means it should be sunny
  19. Unfortunately I caught it from a toxic creek so he was released
  20. I don’t know about that particular brand but I bet the missing eye won’t effect performance, might help . I think @Bluebasser86has tried the cutter jerkbaits
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