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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. I also tend to go as heavy as possible
  2. I find pro v1 way off the beaten path nowadays haha. I love out driving people with a blade 3 iron from the 60s, it blows their mind. You won’t see a club like that on the pro tour but gosh they are fun when you stripe them! Not so fun when you hit on the toe when it’s 40 degrees out
  3. Hahahahah! I don’t mind (yet) if big brother follows me around all day. Better pack two lunches! So far they haven’t wronged me. 1984 by George Orwell.... he tried to warn us
  4. Glad I could finally share some snow with you guys
  5. Nah they been printing BS since the first printing press I think they have meds for that! It’s been that way for a looooooong time
  6. Amen brother. I’ve only worked on smaller boats but wood is strong and if treated and installed properly lasts longer than a human being
  7. Our weatherman has had a big miss the past 4 days in a row. It’s getting comical . I think bass fishermen would actually do better than a professional meteorologist
  8. Hahaha! Where’s your transducer?? Hopefully not in the pregnancy port
  9. If you had to pay by the hour to replace a transom it would cost a million dollars. It’s best to have a buddy come over and just start doing it. It’s not so much a specialized skill it just takes FOREVER . Patience and fiberglass skills would be your most important , the rest is pretty straight forward but exhausting. Also lifting a large engine would be tough, but not if you’ve got a friend with some kind of hoist/lift
  10. JFG. Bitter and hot, please add nothing mid watch mud sounds nice haha
  11. Hahah! Let’s go for a ride! Well, legally your rear end is supposed to be below the gunnels while motoring so we try to avoid that. It also tops out around 12-13 mph so it’s not too terrifying
  12. Sounds pretty fun, I’m going to try to find some similar areas .
  13. It ain’t as bad as you think, I just drilled about 30 in one, some of them I used 1/2” drill bit. Floats like a cork, all dry
  14. Ha! And you have to come back everytime you break your line to re measure
  15. Your walls and roof called, they said take that back
  16. I love the c rig, I think it works everywhere. I had just never heard of a “crawfish bed.” I always understood that the female swims around with the eggs attached to her belly
  17. Grab the lower unit with your hand and torque around and wiggle it. If you see the transom flex don’t buy it or buy it with massive discount. There is no work like replacing a transom The whole world is made of wood, it’s how white men crossed the Atlantic!
  18. Well I caught two skunks today....... luckily I’m already engaged
  19. Was there a road involved?
  20. Like, mud? Under a rock? In a rice patty?
  21. Good deal!!
  22. If funny because the radio apparently had to start calling it “freezing fog” to keep things fresh. However it’s snow, on the ground and falling from the sky haha. I think they are also trying to cover their butt for not predicting any snow
  23. The length from the middle of my chest to my finger tips is what determines mine.
  24. More snow today
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