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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Negative but I think the guy told us it was easy and ready to install one and same with a trolling motor. I haven’t paddled tons of sit on top kayaks but it seems very fast compared to others
  2. Good advice! And yes I use her kayak when she’s not looking . Our local outfitter had a 30% off blemished sale, I’m not sure what the blemish was on the boat we bought but I think it was paint color scheme related
  3. It’s like owning a car that you don’t drive everyday. It will mess up, just be ready! There is no way to predict how much it costs, Murphy’s law is the main variable
  4. I let a possum go once and it ran right into another trap I had set
  5. If I know Gary like I think I did, he’s feeling a lot better now
  6. A life well lived. RIP Gary
  7. Kevin has also beaten clunn, Klein, and Nixon I’m sure. It’s like when Kevin Durant hits a late shot in two different NBA finals to beat Lebron, everyone says lebron is better??? It’s just a “who is your favorite” type thing
  8. It goes wherever it wants to, there’s no rule they must follow. And if there were such a rule, the Bass wouldn’t know about it and would still do whatever they want
  9. Thanks for tangible information!
  10. I’ve received one the last two or three Christmases haha
  11. That’s the good stuff. My local watering hole actually sells those “champagne “ bottles of high life around holidays
  12. Scuppernong and motoroil worms are excellent for bass from here down to the Gulf of Mexico. A lot of folks make scuppernong wine out of the fruit, I always understood it as a champagne colored muscadine, or as we say in TN/NC “musky dimes”
  13. “Jordan lee would never win without a 250 horsepower “ is the equivalent of the electronics argument
  14. Never mind....... I should have listened to @DitchPanda
  15. Well if buck perry could use today’s electronics, so could the other people he fished against. That’s all I’m sayin
  16. I smell what you’re stepping in.
  17. Mmmmmmmmmm
  18. Sorry bout that, I posted before making it to the bottom. I have to say it before I forget........ getting old ya know
  19. I don’t think electronics has anything at all to do with it. Every angler has access to them, it’s not an advantage unless one competitor can use them and the other can’t
  20. Are there not some bass or bluegill you could fish for? They are way more fun! Haha
  21. Stocked trout is not my strength. Sometimes using something other than everyone else can help, I like jerk baits. That rain might help deter other anglers and relieve some fishing pressure
  22. Not for more than a day or two. Water is rarely 85 degrees at the bottom of a lake though
  23. Cast and wind is cool but nothing ever bites it
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