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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Hahahahah!!!! My boss bought some of that to fix a leaky water hose. You can guess the result. I fixed it with a $2 hose mender from wal mart, he says “I spent like $20 on that roll of tape!”........... here’s your sign
  2. My buddy Will is kind of the same way. He somehow survives on one or 2 cups of black coffee per day, no water. He may end up on a kidney transplant list one day
  3. Ha! I gotta have about 1.5 gallons a day, even if it comes from a puddle
  4. I’ve had some trouble with them, they are always near moisture and the air is basically water in FLA so I could see how that might be the case. I eliminated all the colonies at our house my modifying the ground to where the water goes around the foundation. I bet that would be tricky in Florida since there is no downhill
  5. Forget the sandwich, for the love of god drink Some water man. I remember a time working for the National park service in the back Country our water purifier quit pumping. I lapped up that dangerous creek water like a dog and I guarantee I wouldn’t have made it out without water
  6. I’m shocked that’s humanly possible!!! I have skipped food for a whole day many times but water????? I would physically die
  7. I always find whatever Schultz says to be completely the opposite of anything I find out on the water. Which is very ironic because almost everything blaukat says seems to ring mostly true
  8. Commercial fishing is a hard knock life haha
  9. Well there’s some monster fish in your area! Welcome
  10. amen brother. I’ve eaten some grilled with no seasoning just to see what it tastes like, the closer to raw the better I’ve also had something very close to the recipe you posted for ducks, quite phenomenal. My buddy said put the grill on as low as possible, I thought he was crazy. The bacon drips still caught everything on fire, he was right
  11. What was once old will become new
  12. Ha! No it was built in 1989 , we’ve got the spring ones . My buddy uses the windows weights to slow down a canoe in fast water. I told him one day it’s going to stop him dramatically haha
  13. Those are for making your windows stay open..........
  14. My buddies always say I look like Marv from home alone. The other day we watched it and my fiancé says “now you look older than marv.” Hahaha! Thanks a lot honey
  15. I have a childhood buddy that lives in ST Augustine, he sends me fish pics non stop and doesn’t even have a boat. I enjoyed the area when I was there but I was little and can’t remember a whole lot. I did drink from the fountain of youth, it tasted terrible
  16. Bradley Hallman just posted a video about this, he called it “cross creekin “
  17. Absolutely. Fish love water and I love driving a boat Well it hasn’t blown them away yet. I think there’s like 12 million people In the 3 counties near Miami. the entire state of Tennessee is like half that . Hurricanes don’t really scare people too much, they make new 2x4s and sheet rock everyday
  18. I want a graph that shoots the fish with laser beems. I don’t need to see them, I know they are there. I need to eat them!
  19. I have similar experiences. The river is ancient and full of fish most everywhere. Just because they are there doesn’t mean you can catch them . If you have some clear water, try snorkeling in summer. It will make you feel like a terrible fisherman! I’ve had big smallies swim right up to my diving mask to say hello in places I had fished for hours and got skunked. If every fish that marked on a graph got caught, we would be out of fish by now
  20. Just remember: we have lots of water because ....... it rains A LOT..... without the TVA dams and flood control we would all have to live on ridge tops haha
  21. Well there’s fish all over the lake so I would just focus on where you are staying to get more time with a hook in the water. The fish should be in 10-12 foot of water at some point during April and may, on into June you hear more about people night fishing with football jigs on DH
  22. I only cook fish or anything on the smoker. My fiancé cooks a crazy delicious elaborate meal pretty much every single night. Some guys have all the luck.
  23. I’ll post some pics. No clue but it’s A LOT
  24. I’ve never repaired fiberglass personally but it seems like the cloth/resin/sand/ paint program would fix that. I’ve coated wooden transoms with the resin and even outdoors that stuff smells pretty strong
  25. You should be in a good area, though it will be unbelievably crowded. (Although if you’re from DC that should be normal!) late March will most definitely be pre spawn with some probably already making nests. Water temps vary, should be 60 or so by then unless it floods. The lower end of the lake gets more pressure but then again Dayton is where all the big tourneys launch from
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