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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. The local weatherman has you right where he wants you
  2. A couple of my reels do this in winter, although I never knew exactly why. Thanks for the explanation!
  3. Scotch is my fav. Laphroaig and lagvulin are awesome but I like the smoky/peaty flavor very much . Teachers is the one I keep on hand, because it’s $9.99/bottle and surprisingly good for the price and somehow tastes like an islay though it’s labeled highland creme. Talisker is another great drink but pricey, distilled on the isle of skye There are four main categories based upon the region of Scotland they came from Highland Lowland Speyside Islay if you don’t like the smoky/peaty, the islay category will most likely not be for you
  4. You guessed it! Hahah. She fries them perfectly every time of course.........
  5. No sudden moves! Slowly back away and only run if completely necessary haha
  6. Hit them with a stout limb in the noggin. Lots of trappers use this method very successfully, it doesn’t get blood all in the fur . And as always, have a plan for what to do if you catch a skunk
  7. We always called paddle tails “shad grubs” back before everyone started calling them swim baits. Sassy shad is my favorite grub if it still counts as a grub
  8. Oh J......... carry on
  9. What about all those times everyone says to fish around hard bottom areas?
  10. Yes snakehead is good white meat. Carp is nasty rubber meat with deep red streaks
  11. I’m sure that’s easy for some people. I’d rather dig a ditch for 3-4 hours by hand. I can’t even fry eggs without busting the yokes. It seriously frustrates me worse than anything on this whole planet, must be some kind of pet peeve I can’t get past. So I eat boiled eggs
  12. I was just checking some traps at a customers house on the lake and someone is water skiing. Water temp is most likely 43-44
  13. These are very effective down here in the land of wakeboarding and double decker yachts
  14. Pear preserves on a biscuit. Not the kind you can get in a store (although I’ve never seen pear preserves in a store). You need someone’s grandma to give it to you
  15. Ha! I’m even more of a tightwad, I don’t use mushroom jigheads or elaztech worms
  16. We don’t need people eating them. That just creates a meat market. We need them gone not creating jobs
  17. They have cheerwine in NY? Hell we used to drive to NC to get it
  18. I will say the candy at their general store was second to none
  19. Oh dear lord. My grandpa ate dessert after breakfast everyday. This dessert was: half a stick of butter covered in molasses. He liked the stuff so much, he always dragged us to the local Mennonite community called “muddy pond” to watch them make their own molasses. For anyone who has not seen this process, lemme tell ya it’s a real thriller when you are 8-10 years old. You get to watch mules walk in a wide circle! If I never have to see molasses being made again, it’s a small victory.
  20. My buddy bought a used jetski trailer and easily converted it to hold his yak
  21. Tailwaters below dams are usually better in winter because the water being discharged is a stable constant temp because it’s coming from the bottom of a lake, and is often warmer than normal groundwater. For free flowing rivers, I rarely catch anything until it starts warming a tad. If I was forced to fish such a spot (no other option), I would use a nightcrawler on a jig head and bounce it on bottom
  22. Is this a section of river below a dam or a freestone river ?
  23. They will just say that they need more money to put more bandaids on the problem for a few decades. They are already receiving $25 million this year and $4 million a year after that to unsuccessfully fix the problem. But they are “underfunded” haha
  24. It just depends on how important you think keeping the carp out is. I bet they can lift coal over a dam onto another barge or put in on a truck
  25. all depends on the waves. On a calm day it would be a nice ride down the river. When the wind blows upstream, which is about the only way it blows, it makes big waves
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