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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Stop it! All of you! For the love of the TN river
  2. You nailed it. I have to crawl under houses and climb on roofs, as well as get in an out of a truck 20+ times a day so I don’t want to beat up my good knives
  3. Oh shoot. I should also add that @A-Jay, a forum member you guys might have heard of, fishes in musky waters. I think he’s caught a bass or two. Along with @Way north bass guy
  4. I came across this video today, some Big smallmouth!!. A little upriver from @roadwarrior stomping grounds (yet ironically south ). It’s absolutely wild to me how big the river gets down there, even below a dam where it’s typically more narrow
  5. Old fashioned cooking is alive and well here, it wasn’t that long ago TVA brought us electricity
  6. Musky shouldn’t hurt your bass population, it doesn’t here anyway. The most smallmouth infested places I’ve ever been are excellent muskie places. These are rivers where you can catch 50+ smallmouth in a day with ease, very remote. We also have a small reservoir that is loaded with muskie, a result of a successful re introduction effort. This particular reservoir kicks out abnormally huge largemouth, one of which our late forum Oregon native’s son captured during a tournament that was 10-11 lbs. I cant recall ever hearing of a largemouth that big from any reservoirs near me, normally those only come from further south at chickamauga or maybe watts bar
  7. Here too, or at least breakfast and lunch. I can walk to one of them in like 5 minutes from my front door but it’s shady!
  8. Indeed they are. And if they like something, they will want more. And someone will want to capitalize monetarily on this wanting more. Which is the exact reason why we don’t need people developing a taste for Asian carp!!!
  9. Ha! Let’s see if anyone else carries a knife in their back pocket . Today was the first I’ve heard of it in 36 years
  10. Who knows but I’m not risking it (front pocket) . If it’s anything like my credit cards or driver license the sides will be destroyed and one day you will be sitting on a blade
  11. Sitting on a knife screams danger to me. Everything In my wallet is constantly ruined from sitting on it, don’t want a blade anywhere near my a&$!
  12. Do you still believe them after what happened last time?
  13. Everyday? $5 ozark trail Lost an heirloom or two with the everyday habits, now they are all put away in a nice wooden box Back pocket??? Yikes I’ve never tried that. Seems like Barnum and Bailey level stuff
  14. I’ll tell you how to turn that off...... after a brief word from our sponsors......... just kidding I have no tech skills
  15. And fish fishburn!!!!!
  16. Not on dale hollow but I certainly have on Norris (similar lake, clear deep and steep) Sometimes the fun part is over by 9 am but man it’s fun. I actually catch the suspended bass with top water mostly, they will come up from 20+ to smash it
  17. Or just go slow like me. But your handle on this site clearly indicates that is not an option haha
  18. Buddy gross was one of the only guys catching early
  19. I’ve said it many times, I should have started selling stuff to fishermen years ago. They will buy anything!
  20. Yeah buddy!! Keep after em
  21. Part of me Wishes I never started watching BASS live. Thanks @BigSkyBasser haha!! warning: product extremely addictive
  22. There are tilapia at gallatin steam plant on the Cumberland. Folks were routinely breaking the Tennessee state record for tilapia there for a while
  23. Every time! Unless of course there really is bad weather, in which case they never see it coming
  24. Thank God the water in East TN is still “too cold” for cottonmouth !!! They can stay in west TN! I hope they don’t start adapting like the F1 bass haha! Darn things are ornery
  25. Scotch is also good for a few reasons I forgot to mention : 1) when you offer it to people they typically turn it down, so more for me! 2) unless you sip it slowly it burns like hell, so it has built-in “drink responsibility” qualities
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