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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. No prediction of any change in current so far, although the weather man says 5 inches of rain over the weekend. Should be nice and sunny in that case!
  2. I’ve watched the footage, this guy catches a whole bunch of big uns on that cricket! I got some homemade swingheads from @Bluebasser86 , first I’ve ever tried this presentation. It seems pretty easy, get it on bottom and move it along....... and all of a sudden I’m catching bass. I’ve even caught fish with it while it was falling through timber
  3. Shirts vs skins
  4. Honestly I believe this is one time where you don’t really get what you pay for. I’ve worked as a part-time flyfishing guide for over a decade and seen lots of brand new $300-$400 waders leak not too far from jump street. I’ve also seen the base model breathable waders from several brands last for about a decade. There’s also some middle ground, but if you use them like a true fishing addict, you will eventually wear them out no matter how much they cost
  5. Pull your truck up a little.......... little further...... lil bit......... ok WHOA! Perfect
  6. You remind me of me. Gimme the 40 degree day where most people stay home
  7. That’s two top notch tunes right there. Never heard that Jamey Johnson song, but I celebrate his entire catalog And I’ve heard a million people single wayfaring stranger, not sure if any of them sang it as well as that young lady
  8. 12 is good for about anything on baitcaster. 15 or 20 for the jig in thick branches
  9. I’ve seen people catch fish with lipless through a hole in the ice. Chuck and reel! They eat them anywhere
  10. Beat me to it. Bad line breaks in your hands
  11. Eufala will kick out some February monsters, that’s a certainty
  12. We camped on the ground at the minnow bucket marina when I went in 06, although I think they have cabins as well. And a cool bait shop with like a 13 lb bass in a tank! We were there mid March and the wind blew so hard at one point it restarted our fire in a downpour........... And the fire was from the day or two before, pretty scary! But everything is truly bigger in texas, including wind gusts. we took nothing but my old Jon boat w trolling motor, dropped one rod into the water night fishing, but eventually got on some decent fish. My biggest was about 6 lb on a texas rig finesse worm.......... there were people ripping fish into the boat that were much bigger than 6, tons of boats had step ladders on the front deck. I also recall seeing a giant bass following my ex girlfriends rooster tail and chomping down on it multiple times. I was freaking out yelling “set! Reel! You got him!” And she said she never felt a bite haha
  13. Nice! Ole Mr brown showing up to the party too
  14. But this is the biggest event in the history of the sport???? still got a ways to go in my opinion. They always seem to be practicing during the events, not just this one
  15. Well said. My parents taught me everything I ever needed to know and provided a perfect example, never smoking or drinking or cursing. And I took up all 3 of those wonderful habits, not because of anything I saw on TV or at school. I was just stupid, happens to a lot of us at times haha. Luckily my body doesn’t like nicotine and is starting not to like drinking. The cursing, well I’m working on it haha at some point you’ve got to look in the mirror to address a problem, not elsewhere
  16. Thank you sir. You are a gentleman and a scholar
  17. Who’s winning? Or does it even matter until like day five or six?
  18. Here’s a visual for the amount of current flowing through the lake . The ramp above the dam is slam packed. I saw two Osprey there, a bout a month earlier than normal
  19. The maumee in Ohio is close to Michigan and loaded with monster catfish Just looked up portage, my suggestion might be a little too far east
  20. No one is safe. Run .....
  21. Umbrella rig is a true joy. Cast out, stuck on log, there goes $30. Wonderful
  22. water was raging when I left the house this morning. Buoys were dancing side to side
  23. Sitting in a barn is much better than sitting outside of the barn
  24. It can go right back to winter until April is almost over , don’t count your chickens yet we still have redbud winter, dogwood winter, and blackberry winter yet to come
  25. They don’t float up if you just keep twitching slowly and lightly . And you need them to float up when it gets near the bank
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