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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. They have to be over 10 minutes to get monetized I thought
  2. Same here
  3. The leader is fishing smallies at the moment. It’s a gamble! He’s in the canal that connects the two lakes. Maybe some of the strongest current besides where they take off from hes got a 16 lb limit
  4. Ha! He waxed em pretty good in there during the 19 classic
  5. One thing that will be a factor: right now the current is ripping. They are predicting a decent little flood this weekend. Ironically that will cause TVA to pretty much shut off the current, which will cause fish to move on Saturday and maybe Sunday note the dramatic decrease for volume coming out of Douglas into fort loudoun predicted for feb 27
  6. Maybe I don’t fish shallow enough?
  7. I have to drive across the bridge that zaldain is fishing near in the next hour or three
  8. Ha! I can give a positive testimonial for this product
  9. You should see where my fiancé grew up....... I think the “township” has population of 90 something. I’m from suburbia, I grew up within walking distance of the school, church, convenient stores, parks, driving range, etc. She had to ride 40 minutes to find a McDonald’s! (Yet ironically only 2 hours from Detroit)
  10. Ha! I kind of know that feeling. Not the military training part but the soft water. We camp in a swamp every year and the campground water won’t wash soap off of anything. The mosquitos are just waiting for your soapy rear end to exit the bath house and make the mad dash to the tent. Sometimes stray cats start following you around if it gets bad enough
  11. I would try both and keep experimenting. Low visibility try noisy bait first and then more subtle. Then other times the bass don’t agree and you might need to move areas and try the complete oppsite presentation
  12. I’ve often thought Georgia was the hottest place on earth. I’m 95% confident that is a fact, +\- the sweaty undercarriage coefficient of 4.3.
  13. They can detect about anything as far I know. Sometimes subtle is key regardless of water color
  14. It can change daily but I’d start with flappy in muddy water. I’ve also seen times where they eat nothing but a weightless senko in muddy water
  15. I got a few buddies like your brother, everything over 2 is 5 haha
  16. Depends on where I’m fishing. I’m a big fan of not getting stuck on bottom so I usually flare the weed guard out and leave it as long as it came
  17. Keitech jig is good. Keitech as jig TRAILER is not as important
  18. You will catch them, just stick with it. If I can catch bass with jigs, anyone can. Don’t be afraid to use plastic worm or grub as a trailer, doesn’t have to be a $1 keitech or rage bait
  19. Shoot. I can hear them laughing when Im reeling one through the water. I do the opposite of shy away from them, I toss them relentlessly in exchange for nothing
  20. I know I know..... been reading that same paragraph you just typed since my first field and stream magazine in ‘91. And still....... useless
  21. That’s right I said it. Useless dangly things
  22. It varies, probably late April until late may. Some Waters warm faster than others. Small shallow streams warm faster than the Ohio river. They will start thinking about it around 55 degree water temps, should make nests at 60 degree water I should add: I see a lot of fisherman that can’t stop thinking about fish spawning. They use the word spawn in every single conversation about bass. I would warn against this thought pattern! An individual bass will spawn for like a day, maybe 2. That leaves us with 363-364 days out of the year when they are doing something else (eating and hiding). Fish with things fish like to eat, in areaS where they like to eat them. Don’t even worry about the spawn and you will still catch “spawning” fish
  23. Chatterbait. Spinnerbaits are the devil
  24. Spawn lasts for a full month about anywhere, maybe more. They most certainly don’t all do it in a day or two (or three). Best way to fish the spawn for me is just fish like normal. I don’t like trying to pick single fish off a nest, unless it happens quickly. I usually don’t see them anyway
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