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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Nobody believes that!!!!
  2. You never seen a bass toting a shovel? And here I thought you spent a lot of time on the water
  3. White bass aka sand bass
  4. I might see ya down there one day, I’m about 2 hours north
  5. TnRiver46


    Timber Avalanche took it out.......
  6. I might be able to get my first one soon. I think I’m considered “essential” for one or maybe two of my jobs, and there are several surrounding counties that have extra doses we might be able to get
  7. I’m interested to see how many big foot tags they sell
  8. I use the 50/50 method myself. Every day it might rain and might not
  9. Well then you can subsequently blame Lake Michigan for lack of fishing success
  10. In Knoxville they just call someone in Nashville and ask them what’s happening, then predict that. The X factor is the Cumberland plateau that magically breaks up all the weather that’s headed towards us. So basically they have no idea.
  11. People around here believe the information the weather man puts out like its etched in stone day after day after day, no matter how many times it’s completely inaccurate
  12. Organized? I must have clicked the wrong button
  13. Dead sticking a fluke or weightless worm is what works for me in that scenario. Our fish suspend almost all the time, and the carp suck on the bottom or the top
  14. You are a patient man. I’m about ready to sink one of my boats and use a canoe instead
  15. I’ve trapped a few dozen skunks in 2021
  16. I heard wheeler and DC talking about fish spawning on eufala because their eyes were red too haha.
  17. I was just busting your chops. Creek minnows that respawn would be wonderful, unlimited bait for every body!!
  18. Chubs cannot die and be reborn.....,, when the water is cold most fish will sit still and not move much or eat
  19. Well it’s on the French broad river so they don’t hurt anything. I’m extensively trained in removing them haha, they’ve been there since the late 90s. And before white people, they were there for a few thousand years I reckon
  20. I’m suffering from severe deja vu reading this the best fishing spot near my house is loaded with otters, usually 8 of them
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