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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Praying for y’all
  2. Koz would have to tell us to quit laughing out by the fire pit of his hotel
  3. My bet is still on stator, haven’t tried replacing it yet . I’ve just been fishing out of my other boat and ignoring the problem. You know me ....... hopeless fishing junkie
  4. I fished in that exact spot 5 years ago today (3 days straight). Except Zaldain is in 190,000 cubic feet per second, it was more like 30,000 when I was there
  5. I've worked at a hotel for over a decade, but as a fishing guide so I can stay behind the scenes and avoid most of the hectic stuff. Let me know if you need some pointers on "fish with @Koz" night haha. I can get you some OT guide hours @Jigfishn10.......
  6. 2.5 inch gulp minnow on a ball head Jig is good for smallies....... like really good........
  7. Sue the school? What would that help ? Don’t fish above a dam when water is going over the top
  8. Purrrrty
  9. Those guys haul tail as I’m sure you know! When they come here I just set out cut bait for striper and stay over near a tree or rock so they won’t come flying at me haha
  10. Nice fish! You should have played defensive end with those mitts!! Head slapping lineman like decan Jones
  11. I’d say that scale was pretty accurate, congratulations!!!!
  12. Catching perch is hard work!
  13. Yep!!! I have 3 jobs, each one I am treated remarkably different. Yet I never miss work and typically my shirt is the sweatiest and my hands are the dirtiest at the end of the day
  14. I’ve indeed had tin cup. I drink bourbon just to be polite, I don’t really like any of it haha. I’m a scotch guy @moguy1973, how far are you from Frankfort, KY? Weller is $30 and Blantons is $60 at Buffalo trace, but you have to be there in person to buy it and only one bottle per person per day
  15. I don’t know, the sun never shines in Ohio and they still have bass somehow ........
  16. We are close to the southern end of many northern fish species range, like musky, walleye, and smallmouth. The world record walleye is from middle TN but it’s apparently disputed as well. I say if you can’t break a record, don’t dispute it haha
  17. Magnolias blooming and look what’s coming out of the fish............. this thread is yet another reminder to me that we as anglers (collectively) put WAY too much emphasis on when fish are spawning. It’s all you ever hear about months before it starts and moths after it’s over. Pre spawn, spawn, and post spawn........ well that makes up an entire year. Should we try to focus on places that fish eat instead of where they breed??? There’s 365 days in a year and fish spawn for 1 or maybe 2. Change your focus fellas!!! You can catch bass any time of year, quit worrying so much about their nests
  18. Tennessee’s state record was 14 lb NLMB for a long long time
  19. I’m not sure exactly what conditions they expected in March. When I went there in late March the wind never stopped. I learned early in my fishing excursions that anything downstream of watts bar is a little too big for me on the main channel. There are places where you can’t see the other side of the river and nothing to stop the wind. I hope @roadwarriorgets a huge limit in the background on bass live
  20. We brought back some of that too....... hahah! That’s actually what caused us to travel to Buffalo trace the first time 2 years ago, my fiancé had a glass of bourbon cream at a local restaurant. She loved it and said she must buy some, at this point it wasn’t available at any of our liquor stores. Next thing you know we are weekending in KY. When you do a tasting at Buffalo trace, they mix the bourbon cream half and half with freddys root beer for an adult root beer float
  21. Sorry @gimruis, it’s an old George strait tune. If you’ll buy that he caught a 50” inch musky in FLA I’ll sell you the ocean front AZ property
  22. Makes sense! That’s how I roll as well
  23. Hahahahah. I see what you did there my favorite was a local gas station sign above the blue minnow tanks : “minos bait”
  24. Would you be interested in purchasing some ocean front property? I have some for sale in Arizona
  25. I figured they had you at pricey!
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