Zaldain said he was catching them 10-20 feet. I believe the lake rose 6 feet before the day of the tourney so I think its probably more like 14-15 foot average under normal flows. It varies greatly and isn’t a uniform bottom, there are massive boulders everywhere (and of course plenty of things sticking above the water and some right below the surface. That’s where the original “mussel shoals” were located on the Tennessee river, which was the worst set of rapids on the entire river before they built dams. They say Knoxville was actually a ghost town before some guy from Cincinnati figured out how to get a boat up through those rapids in the early 1800s. How’d he do it? Drove upstream as far as he could and tied the boat off to trees on the bank and winched his way up. The shoals of course got their name from the all the mussels that were harvested from the river, in fact I think you can legally still harvest some but everything is a ways underwater now