Wonderful photo!
We didn’t have many eagles at all when I was a kid, rarely saw blue herons or ospreys either. Now there are a dozen blue herons that live in every cove, osprey nests on every dayboard marker along the river, and there seems to be 1 nesting pair of bald eagles about every 10-15 miles apart on any river, even some fairly small ones. I’ve even been seeing bald eagles eating roadkill on the side of busy 4 lane highways. It appears to me something has drastically changed, it may have been when they stopped using DDT the birds have just made a slow comeback. Or maybe the improved water quality has just allowed for more shad and in turn more birds? (our water was pretty nasty back before somewhere around the late 90s.) Who knows, but I can tell you we must have an abundance of habitat for fish eating birds. I see lots of loons and cormorants and the occasional flock of pelicans. And we have gulls and terns in the winter