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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Are you fishing the swing set pattern ??
  2. Wahlberg gets mad in the car, ejects the little river band CD, and throws it out the window. Ferrell calmly inserts another CD and says “I’ve ALWAYS got little river band at the ready” or something like that
  3. Please tell me you’ve seen “the other guys” with will Ferrell and mark wahlberg
  4. Head to the warrior river
  5. Drained without the motor running or after using the boat?
  6. Sturgeon selfie!
  7. That’s more similar to our timeline. We’ve got guys catching crappie full of eggs at 57 degree water right now
  8. Good luck! Hope ya get some big uns
  9. The bass accepted the live bluegill but Dottie didn’t accept the jig in her head
  10. Haha!!! My coworker has a neighbors dog that pees on his tire and on cold mornings his truck won’t break loose and go because the wheels are locked up. He swears it’s because the dog pee froze on them
  11. That’s that Sasquatch you been looking for all along! ive caught two sturgeon but ours were re introduced around the year 2000 so our biggest ones are only 21 years old, not old enough to get as big as that beast you had hooked in the picture . At first glance I thought it was a shark
  12. Wonderful photo! We didn’t have many eagles at all when I was a kid, rarely saw blue herons or ospreys either. Now there are a dozen blue herons that live in every cove, osprey nests on every dayboard marker along the river, and there seems to be 1 nesting pair of bald eagles about every 10-15 miles apart on any river, even some fairly small ones. I’ve even been seeing bald eagles eating roadkill on the side of busy 4 lane highways. It appears to me something has drastically changed, it may have been when they stopped using DDT the birds have just made a slow comeback. Or maybe the improved water quality has just allowed for more shad and in turn more birds? (our water was pretty nasty back before somewhere around the late 90s.) Who knows, but I can tell you we must have an abundance of habitat for fish eating birds. I see lots of loons and cormorants and the occasional flock of pelicans. And we have gulls and terns in the winter
  13. Bank fishing on a reservoir? catching any bass is a pretty good outing
  14. It’s possible, but the first white ones that bloom around here are Bradford pear and cherry They lie! Like a rug...... I was watching ott defoe and Jacob wheeler fishing together on YouTube, discussing past tournaments. They both were recalling a time when Hank cherry got a 10 lb bass off a bed, on chickamauga, in June during a big bass bash. And that’s two hours south of me! Dogwoods bloom earlier than bass spawn here
  15. We don’t have small lakes haha. Technically we don’t have any lakes. I think it’s colder in East TN than Michigan Minnesota and Iowa according to this thread haha
  16. If I had easy access to cheesesteak, they would have to knock a wall out of my house to get me out and bury me
  17. I’ve been trying to catch me some bait! Had a couple skipjack swipe at baits lately but no hookups
  18. Indeed! I love those guys/gals
  19. I’m currently out of catfish bait (skipjack herring) and now she knows where I used to hide them in the freezer........ I might be able to use the freezer at the shop but yes the cats will eat in the muck water
  20. Luckily the river in my backyard is all dam controlled and they don’t allow it to proper flood anymore. There are some free flowing rivers that get flooded pretty bad but for whatever reason the fish are fairly used to it and always ready to bite once it clears up a little. Maybe the terrain is so steep the poor quality water flushed out more rapidly? The big south fork of the Cumberland river floods to insane levels many times a year but you can catch 50 smallies all summer when it’s low. Here’s a line graph of its recent activity. It appears to have gone over 90,000 cfs over the weekend, which is way up through the woods but it’s in a gorge/canyon
  21. Did some recon and went for a ride, I think it was a little colder than expected! That’s not the grim reaper, it’s Rachel wrapped up in all her jackets then wrapped up in my jacket. The water temp eventually settled around 56, that depth finder shot was right when we launched. Went up the holston river a ways and it might have been starting to clear up a tad, also someone’s runabout might be mostly full of rain water
  22. Here’s the dogwood tree in my front yard............... water temps 53-57 nearly everywhere........ I call BS @Sam! our bass typically spawn in may and sometimes June but it varies from year to year. The dogwoods are much more consistent and almost always earlier than spawning bass
  23. Oh dear ............ the Atlantic doesn’t even have waves that big in SC! it appears ive found a solution to the problem, Rachel just got off work and wants to go for a boat ride. It will be like riding through the wonka factory on the chocolate river
  24. Well I live upstream so I actually went downstream and found clear water but i can’t be doing that every afternoon haha. I suppose I can but I’d rather not
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