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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Well two weeks ago they were spawning on the shoals and the water was almost 60 degrees. Now it’s 55 degrees and they moved right back to their winter haunts. By the thousands!
  2. Yeah when I read how much horsepower that truck had, I knew MPG wasn’t what you were going for I bet you could pull a yacht if you had to though
  3. I’m partial to purple myself
  4. That helps significantly with the MPG
  5. Good to hear it’s not cancer! If she’s tough enough to raise you, she could probably deal with anything.......
  6. My fiancé got her second Pfizer shot today and feels completely normal so far
  7. Not really they just rust in the tackle box
  8. Most folks like that don’t even realize what they’ve done is taboo. Yesterday I pulled up to a ramp off to the side to take loose the straps and everything. Three different boats pulled straight into the parking lot and directly onto the ramp, basically cutting me in line. All 3 of them had no clue, one even blocked me in after he launched and parked, got out of his truck and said “are you putting in?” can’t wait til winter
  9. I haven’t had a PC in about 13 years now I guess
  10. I’ve got a blank too
  11. I’d say a guy like you that fishes crazy baits during crazy hours has nothing to fear from people that look for fishing spots on Facebook
  12. I suppose I’d never see it. We have almost zero small public waters so I guess it’s a little different. Somebody in the 2019 bass master classic or a 2020 elite tournament could have fished my dock on Bass live so it doesn’t make a hill of beans if someone says it’s good on Facebook. I imagine someone fishes it almost everyday, sometimes I see several boats fish it. It has just never bothered me when people say or show spots online. Probably because everywhere I fish has been on TV for a fishing tournament since the mid-70s. I get excited watching pros fish in my area, some people get angry about it and wish they never come here.
  13. Since fish never bite mine, I haven’t had this issue.........
  14. Cubs win the first series of the year and the Braves got swept. So far so good my brother wanted to watch the angels game on Sunday night baseball because Otani was pitching. He had 3 crazy pitches in the first inning, we were thinking maybe a little rusty. Then he gets up to bat and smashes the first pitch he sees into the bleachers, high fastball that he waited on for quite some time. It was like he wanted to take the pitch but it was meat, he absolutely smashed it
  15. You’re welcome! I was just saying I’m not going to catch 100 in a day haha. I’m sure some people do, but not me. I might could get it done with bluegill if I had a 5 gallon bucket full of night crawlers
  16. Guess that rules me out! Haha most of all my fish over 3 lbs have come fishing on the bottom with a worm or on top with a spook/popper/buzzbait. The only outliers I can think of off the top of my head are a few with rattle trap and jerkbaits.
  17. Took the family out on Easter, couldn’t catch anything for about an hour or two in 49 degree water (different lake than yesterday). My brother says “maybe it’s this bad luck banana I brought” and eats it and chucks the peel overboard. Not 5 minutes later I got the only bite of the day
  18. And then soil your linens
  19. Ha! Especially that @bulldog1935 character....... Cycling is more popular than breathing where I live, and unfortunately our friend missy was out riding recently and was hit by a truck. She’s alright but her knee is in rough shape (and she’s a pro level cyclist)
  20. My buddies have been finding morels already. As much as I like food, I’m not going stomping in the woods looking for mushrooms. That’s a negative calorie ratio haha. My fiancé cooks chanterelles that she finds while on horseback and they are tasty
  21. Do any of you guys ever think “what if this thing I call “MY spot” is about 34 other people’s “MY spot” too?? because it probably is. I have a dock on a lake and I don’t even consider that “my spot” because it isn’t. It’s available to the public for fishing
  22. Where there’s a will, there’s a way !
  23. Road trip! We have tons of them inside stores around here and I would imagine there are places in Atlanta ready to put you in one today
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