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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Got my first snake of the season off someone’s porch
  2. Oh I’ve tried for many miles when I had the wrong paddle on a long float, nightmare days. Shorter paddle works fine in my kayak without a detached chair so height makes all the difference the way I see it.
  3. Bathing suit with zip pockets for keys and lures. Tennis shoes for footwear, sometimes we even have to swim a ways through deep stuff holding the rod up high (or in your teeth) . Lots of sunscreen
  4. Very carefully ........
  5. I’m 6 foot one with an abnormally long torso. No, my pants aren’t falling down, that’s actually where my waist is (heard that my whole life, I can wear 30 length pants ). I literally Can’t reach the water with a 230 cm paddle . but if im in the pelican kayak it’s about perfect length Solo paddling in the aluminum canoe I really need a long kayak paddle to reach the water because the seat is up near the top of the gunnels
  6. That’s because one of the first fish on bass live was Patrick Walters with a 4+ lber on a frog
  7. @Ksam1234, congrats! Nice catches
  8. As it turns out, fish swim around
  9. Yes and somehow erased 5 years of waypoints that I never used anyway
  10. Well, what’s the answer? I came up with 3 and a half
  11. Seriously, my favorite was “the black bass” for NES and game boy. I’ve still got it on game boy, sold the NES and all the games to a Buddy a couple years ago
  12. Konami code!
  13. Well the fiancé worked the whole day of her second dose, then went to the gym and yoga. The next day she hiked about 10 miles in the Smokies
  14. Sometimes the evidence of spawning is a lack of catching. Keep after em!
  15. Nice!!!
  16. Why is texas producing big bass? why is the sky blue? Why does the sun rise in the East ? It’s just texas being texas
  17. I have that same scale it weighs a 5 lb plate right at 5 lbs . Try something at home for calibration, like weights or a 4 lb sack of sugar Congrats on the new milestone
  18. There aren’t even lakes in my area, much less private ones
  19. I took all those classes in college. They are expensive and difficult haha In all seriousness you should be able to purchase a field guide for your area and take it with you foraging. There are only two really dangerous mushrooms where I live. One of them is white as snow and called the death Angel and the other looks like the mushroom from Mario. You can’t miss those!
  20. Lord knows I do. I sleep all night long
  21. I’m really starting to understand why the water up north warms up so dang fast after reading y’all’s posts. Not only does it sit somewhat still in the natural lakes, but it also seems that the air warms up pretty fast!
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