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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. I'm guessing you don't hunt much, definitely not mammals. I know this one fella that sits down while fishing 99 percent of the time. He's pretty good too, y'all might recognize him.
  2. I'm going to make a bold prediction: asian carp are about to start a slow decline. They have been here since the early 90s and have yet to make all other fish extinct. As with all other exotics, I think they have come close to "running their course" at this point. I would imagine they will always be around but they should have eaten all of our children by now according to scientists
  3. I grew up eating pieces of bread with nothing on it, loved the stuff. Now if we have a loaf it just molds and we throw it away. I have no idea how or why but we no longer eat bread at home???? These photos are making me want some though!
  4. Minimally, that I might believe . It started as zero affects which to me is physically impossible, but I'm not a physicist
  5. If my lure looks like a boot, I feel like I've taken a wrong turn somewhere
  6. Gotcha. In this case, I like paddle tails and never use boot tails
  7. If you don't like wakeboarders blaring music, don't come fishing on the TN river!! Its all day everyday, I've even seen (and heard) them out in the winter. As stupid as they are, I ain't letting them run me off!!! They aren't as diehard as we are, don't back down
  8. Fishing for bass when they are spawning is the worst time of year for me, but I still go. I like fishing for bass that are eating Also our bass spawn from about late April into June and you can't really ever see them sooooo....... Its basically a month or two out of the year when fish don't bite much. They can obviously still be captured and you can always find fish that haven't started or are done. But in my opinion, I'd rather fish any other time of year. Between spawning fish and once a year type crowds, I prefer any other season to spring time. Spawn: the most overhyped word in fishing
  9. Sooooo, what's a boot tail??
  10. My bells still itch from a tick that attached to them over a year ago
  11. I was inspired by your post and got 2 with a spatula this afternoon
  12. Hahahah! That’s the same shade as @galyonjs gear turned that fateful day
  13. Gotcha. In that case my favorite factory made boot tail swimbaits are by creme . I like hand pours the best but not easy to get i use tons and tons of these especially 2 in and 2.5 inch. Little joe thumping shad used to be the best ones, then zoom made the exact same ones for a while. Honorable mention right now goes to cable’s/BPS sassy shad style boot tail bait pictured here
  14. Hahaha! Gotcha thanks
  15. Hahaha. Please elaborate
  16. Haha I sure did! I’ve dealt with them many ways over the years, I like open the door and forget I ever saw it the best. Yes they can be a problem but not my problem haha Our shelter has tried everything, now they no longer kill them. No matter what they do, the number of stray cats never waivers
  17. Yes. Heavier things require more power and reduce mileage. Does your boat weigh more or less than 0 lbs ? If you attach literally anything to your vehicle, miles per gallon decreases. Even a grocery bag My best was 17 mpg without boAt, get about 12-13 with boat. Both my boats are lightweight aluminum, one of them way lighter than the other we had friends take two rooftop kayaks to the beach, mpg dropped from 33 to 19. From 2 kayaks on J racks!
  18. It’s not the heavy it’s the wind resistance. Parachutes stop drag cars
  19. Hahahah! Believe me this lady would have rather seen a grizzly bear on her porch than that snake...... snakes don’t eat often enough to keep up with rodent reproduction
  20. I can pull a 300 lb boat with a v8 and it still makes a difference it’s very light but it’s still back there, catching the wind my new work truck has digital MPG on the dash and it went from 21.3 to 19 when I put the camper shell on. And it changes when I switch from a 32 foot ladder on the rack to a 28 foot ladder. That can’t be a 20 lb difference in weight
  21. Yeah but you can pull a boat....... or an oak tree out of the ground
  22. Wow you are way ahead of us . We trained 1 out of 3 dogs to eat them
  23. I never worry about it but One exception that comes to mind: I do like having the lightest spinning combo possible when fishing trout streams in the smokies, but that’s mostly because the fish are generally tiny. In these cases, I like the rod to be light and bendy, and of course hanging a heavy reel on that would be awkward. If you’re going to go light, I would say make both the rod and reel match/compatible
  24. I never knew the difference between boot or paddle, I think @WRBjust cleared that up
  25. Yes the width is also crucial. If I paddle with a low enough angle to reach the water in the Jackson, with a 230 cm paddle, the paddle hits the sides of the boat or my legs, depending on the angle when you change to the high angle you get water dripping all into the boat. Doesn’t matter with sit on top but does with sit in or solo canoe
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