I suck at fishing the shad spawn as ive only seen it once in Alabama and heard it once near home (middle of the night). When I saw it in Alabama, there were a couple problems I encountered. My first problem was the bass were blowing up on shad and filling their bellies. What they weren’t doing was eating my artificial lures. I finally remembered I had a cast net and salvaged a fish or two with live shad. The second problem was gar. The shad were spawning all over water willow stems and getting blown up, I fired the Johnson silver minnow with paddle tail trailer in there and gar were the ones working those shad, not bass. Of course they willingly hit the spoon unlike the bass..........
a fellow camping next to us would catch several nice largemouth with a frog every morning during the shad spawn. We, however, failed miserably trying that.
At home I’ve only encountered a shad spawn one time at night and of course didn’t catch anything. I think I was out there way too early that night, they say it’s best from 2-4 am. I’m going to try again this year but being awake from 2-4 am proves almost impossible year after year after year .