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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Now I want ice cream
  2. Preach it brother . When my bigger boat messed up in the fall I rebuilt the transom in my smaller one every night after work until I couldn’t stand up any longer. I can see why people build/rebuild a boat when they retire, it takes up a whole lot of time!!! (And is pretty fun)
  3. Downhill? Mixes with clear water to form chocolate milk?
  4. I suck at fishing the shad spawn as ive only seen it once in Alabama and heard it once near home (middle of the night). When I saw it in Alabama, there were a couple problems I encountered. My first problem was the bass were blowing up on shad and filling their bellies. What they weren’t doing was eating my artificial lures. I finally remembered I had a cast net and salvaged a fish or two with live shad. The second problem was gar. The shad were spawning all over water willow stems and getting blown up, I fired the Johnson silver minnow with paddle tail trailer in there and gar were the ones working those shad, not bass. Of course they willingly hit the spoon unlike the bass.......... a fellow camping next to us would catch several nice largemouth with a frog every morning during the shad spawn. We, however, failed miserably trying that. At home I’ve only encountered a shad spawn one time at night and of course didn’t catch anything. I think I was out there way too early that night, they say it’s best from 2-4 am. I’m going to try again this year but being awake from 2-4 am proves almost impossible year after year after year .
  5. Because they can see you
  6. The way that looks, I’m just over the hill from ya . My dad grew up in wise VA, also looks similar
  7. The way I understand it, it’s a victory when the pike shakes off. Sounds to me like you did everything correctly except getting the hook stuck in your hand.
  8. I used to think I never had to worry about thieves since everyone has nicer stuff than me. Then they took my 14 foot Jon boat with 25 horsepower. Go figure
  9. My WP 130 is still a zero fish bait
  10. Dawwwwww
  11. I could definitely upgrade my rope. Mine has been due to snap for about 8 years now
  12. My brother lives in Philly and has lost count of the tickets he gets going back and forth to moms house in TN hahah. I suggested to him to go around, maybe take an ocean liner instead ! (The uber rich take their boats from Knoxville to the ocean, some even complete “the great loop”)
  13. Well that looks about perfect for everyday I couldn’t do that!!! I check my back pocket for my wallet about 300 times per day. also, “keys wallet and phone” runs through my mind every time I go in and out of a door, house or car
  14. You can’t sneak through the commonwealth with a moving violation, that’s for certain
  15. I’m up to about 50-60 fish on this same plastic in the last week or so. You can’t do that with a keitech and a 5 gallon bucket full of glue. I also got 2 20 packs of these last year for $2.99 apiece. I would get keitech if I liked throwing money into the river last year my buddy came to stay at my place for the weekend and fish. He was bumming paddle tail/boot tail hand pour baits from me before the end of the Saturday session because smallmouth ate through the 3 packs of keitech he brought to the tune of $24. His catch rate didnt decline when he started using my baits either
  16. Well, sounds to me like you should just use the revo x
  17. No case knives?
  18. Snapping turtle loves baby ducks and is present in most of the US
  19. Ugh! The landing strip method, also drives me crazy. That and when people slingshot around me on the acceleration/on-ramp. Come on people, wait for the car in front of you to merge into traffic before you merge. Then there's people turning directly into the outside lane....... Can y'all tell I drive all day at work??
  20. Seth just got his first keeper, Robertson is sitting down on the front deck of his boat spectating nearby.
  21. Preach it!!!!! Oughta be illegal. When they get behind me I desperately want to chuck a cinder block out the back of my truck
  22. My buddy had all kind of trouble, he said the mechanic told him it was an 04-07 problem
  23. Work dictates when I go. Fish are always there. First thing in the morning is the best time to fish in my opinion 100 percent of the time but I'm usually at work so I fish evenings. At my house the current is typically nice and calm all morning and my retired or self employed buddies wax em before the wave of water comes down. By the time I'm off work the shoals where they were slaying are underwater, the current is 5 mph and you can't catch a thing haha.
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