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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Hahahahha. My buddy always says things are “tougher than woodpecker lips”
  2. I like your style. I’ve wrecked entire cities with a weedeater Never ever ever ever weedeat or fish without sunglasses on. I worked on a lawn crew in college and used to take my shades off when they fogged up early in the morning. Boy did I get my a** chewed up and down for that
  3. We should do some magnet fishing
  4. I would guess Your battery and charger are still fine. I’ve heard some sounds before
  5. Wowza!!!! That’s awesome. 43-47 is my favorite water temp, looks like you already know why. When you say arrived, did you order those smallmouth off Amazon?? Link please, asking for a friend
  6. Turtle has all day to wait, duck has things to do
  7. bahahahah!!!
  8. I guess if you’re going to be stuck in an attic all day, this ones not a bad one to be in i can’t even fit a 3 foot Christmas tree sideways in mine
  9. I’d flip that mat
  10. I didn’t realize how true my statement was until I turned on the news this morning...... good grief
  11. Not sure if you guys ever watched David letterman but he can find out for you
  12. You only have to eat about 35$ worth to get full
  13. Hahah! We had some at a work Christmas party a few years back and my coworker ate the leftovers out of the fridge about two weeks later. He still mentions that fateful decision to this day, I think he ended up “calling in dinosaurs” as he refers to it
  14. Congrats to Jason Christie!!!
  15. Now we know your secret fish bait on the delta
  16. What are you doing in Nebraska mike????
  17. Well I would bet that yours are way better than McDonald’s because those things are awful. And I’ll eat about anything
  18. Toobers don’t roll through there with the waterproof Bluetooth speakers ?
  19. I might try that one day at the dock in the videos . As you can see the current is raging by there usually 2-3 mph. I think if I did it on the downstream side of the dock that might work out pretty well. Upstream side would be a crash landing
  20. A jig? You feeling ok? Nice bass as always
  21. Oil changes are easy........ unless a garage or dealership changed it last............ they INSIST on tightening the filter and drain plug with the jaws of life! Then there’s my fiancé’s Honda that only an ant can lay under...... but back to boats! Oil change was super easy when I finally got a 4 stroke, it’s always nice to change oil while standing on your feet. Now they did still manage to tighten the filter on my boat way too tight at the factory but I just drove a screwdriver through it and turned that way Where I get hung up on cars and boats is always with the electrical components, I pray I never have to own a truck with bells and whistles
  22. Jump as high as you can, grab both shins, and of course yell “cannonball!!!” At the top of your lungs like the kid in sandlot or will Ferrell on anchorman
  23. Congrats!!!!
  24. I’ll do a cannonball into the vat of tater salad if 71,000 people bring it
  25. You can’t help it if bass eats your crappie jig wink wink ........... just shake it off real quick boatside
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