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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Crumpled . It takes me a week of planning, several friends, a lot of rope, and a lot of luck to get those kind of results. Mother Nature be like “hold my beer..... wham!
  2. Congratulations!!! I see many big spotted bass in your future
  3. My buddy caught this smallie today........ I sent the pic to some friends and they said “you should have seen how beat up the eagle was “
  4. Gotcha. I’ve seen some bass floating around after tournaments but it’s usually near the boat launch . Sounds like yours may have been struggling from natural causes like @Scott F mentioned but it’s hard to say
  5. Are there any tournaments nearby?
  6. I lived on the course, fished a lot. I’m a hardened criminal But seriously I can’t claim that, I guess @OCdockskippergets that title for this thread. The people that told me to leave just lived on the ponds right across from me , they weren’t authority figures but I still quit fishing when they asked even though they were very stupid
  7. I was also unaware standing in your own backyard was trespassing
  8. I was indeed fishing. I had as much right to fish that pond as the moron from New Jersey who stocked exotic carp in it, he lived across the pond from me. He said I couldn’t fish there because I was going to kill his vegetarian carp with a senko. Instead of pushing him into the water like I should have, I was the adult and went back inside. I was 20 something and he was in his 70s.
  9. If you end up in front of a judge for fishing a pond, your govt has too much time on their hands
  10. I didn’t sneak, I lived there
  11. In TN it would be easier to get the motor running than to register the boat. My buddy inherited one from his great grandpa in Arkansas and had to go to the courthouse several times and back to Arkansas to straighten it all out. Had to get get signatures from two of the deceased’s sisters, the whole process took a year
  12. That looks like striper candy
  13. I lived in a condo on a golf course from 6th grade til college and snuck in a lot of fishing, I can’t throw stones at anyone. I also rented a condo with 4 buddies on the same course a few years after college. Needless to say I got ran off the ponds a few times . One lady told me I was going to catch a goose and I had to leave and another told me I was going to kill his precious grass carp with a senko and needed to leave. I know more about fish than any of these morons, People need to lighten up
  14. I don’t even know what’s going on during the events, much less at the next one
  15. Threadfin shad is my fav
  16. Sound like the 7 lures are secret ones
  17. Sorry safety glasses would have been better. Boss man didn’t Care if it was prescription eyeglasses sunglasses or safety glasses as long as you were wearing something over your eyes. I had many many rocks stopped by $5 wal mart sunglasses. I pretty much put on sunglasses as soon as I wake up everyday since that job and that was almost 20 years ago now
  18. Does knocking it out of a rod holder with a kayak paddle count as an “issue?”
  19. Type of jig, to me, matters more as related to the cover. Arkie style jigs work for just about anything. The streamline head of a swim jig is what I like to use when fishing shallow shoals with fast current that is choked with grass for miles. That’s because it’s about all that will come through the river grass without getting hung
  20. I think I fish a jig and t rig the same already. Don’t worry about what kind of jig it is, just fish it like a t rig no matter what kind
  21. If you fall into the water while peeing, you will be fine. Dilution is the solution to pollution
  22. I’ve heArd the bubbling and Schumacher has been the leader in battery chargers for about 50+ years in America. But you do whatever you want
  23. I think the state record gizzard in TN is over 3 lbs
  24. I hope it all works out perfectly for ya!!
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