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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. You don’t need a scale, just post a picture on here and ask for guesses. It’s a tradition
  2. I still throw them. Just like all other spinnerbaits I throw them when I’m tired of catching fish and need some peace and quiet
  3. This was a road bike with the smallest tires I’ve ever seen
  4. I’m always shocked that the trailer tires call for more air than the truck tires . Then someone pushed a bicycle and a pump in front of me and asked me to fill the tires to 120 psi. Tiny tires! I was shocked but sure enough they called for 120
  5. I saw hackney doing it on bass live on pickwick. Line in one hand rod in the other
  6. I think you left em over by the deja vu
  7. My house is so small I can reach all my siding with a rag and a step ladder haha
  8. Yeah that’s awful stuff just when you think you’ve tried them all........ several beers on here I’ve never heard of including hamms. I like Pabst though, still get it regularly They sell it in little short stubby bottles like coors original in gas stations
  9. Now they are saying we will be all dry with low of 35 haha
  10. Normal activity for your lake. Strange/unusual things are SOP once you cross into union or Claiborne haha
  11. Might JD be Tennessee’s most famous export??? Just guessing at the acronym.....
  12. I’ve bought a few motors that ran just like that in my day. Run great in a barrel of water and bog down under a load. One guy gave me my cash back and the other guy conveniently stopped answering the phone. The guy that gave me my money back said the thought maybe one of the cylinders was getting a lean mixture
  13. Murphy’s law is real. I catch a skunk every single time I’m supposed to go do something social after work . Not just some of the time, every single time. “ I don’t always catch a skunk...... but when I do, it’s right before I’m supposed to be somewhere not stinking” -Dos Equis guy my buddy Craig can make it start raining by applying sunscreen
  14. I’m excited for ya! I love boats
  15. That’s a little baby compared to what my buddies are catching while I’m at work haha. Luckily I have bassresource.com to get me through the day. They’ve been getting some 4-5 lb class ones. The little feller did pull hard though, might have to put down my medium rod and grab the bait casters, they are kicking my butt (although it’s fun )
  16. It’s the latest scent from yankee candle known as “midnight mud and musk “
  17. Probably be better off making a candle from the drippings
  18. I still use the round ABUs
  19. Filleted and deep fried!
  20. Whoa!!!!
  21. Fishing the rapids/shoals with ned rigs has proven to be a waste of money for me! You might could use weedless heads and get away with it but they hang like crazy in fast water and you can’t really go get them back if it’s really fast current. Top waters and tubes/worms are what I always come back to river fishing
  22. True. But insurance ain’t quite what it used to be either, they are the kings of the lowball nowadays . I’ve had many friends get into year long battles with sleezy insurors after storms blew their houses away or knocked trees right into the living rooms
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