Oh man. I can’t change the channel fast enough when Phil Collins hits the airways. A lot of it stems from the orthodontist always have it set to the soft rock station and “in the air tonight” played every single time someone was torquing a wrench in my mouth as a child
I’ll pull over well into the ditch just to avoid such haha. Although it sounds like the ditch is where A jay picked up the problem. Still yet a better problem than being flattened . I blew one on I-40 one time and drove about a mile on a metal wheel to get to an exit ramp and change it safely
Hope you caught a bunch!!!
Oakland is my favorite AL team, Cubs are my first love. Long story but my brother is a baseball fanatic and one of his good friends, Noelle, lives in Oakland and is also a baseball fanatic (A’s of course). I think her and her grandma used to go to every game
I have zoysia, it’s beautiful from may-oct then super yellow the rest of the year. Once the grass gets going the weeds can’t compete. In early spring I have onions and nut sedge while the zoysia remains dormant
here’s what it looked like Tuesday , starting to green up already but I guess may is close
Always wear a life jacket! I’m guilty of not wearing them plenty of times so I’m not trying to be condescending or “holier than thou,” it’s just a very good idea to wear one. I had a similar night to you once but the fishing was phenomenal. We put in at a ramp just upstream of a mile long shoal in my small boat (3 of us). We got below the shoal and caught so many white bass and skipjack we were almost sick of landing them. Then right before dark a monster striper tried to eat a white bass my buddy was reeling in. So naturally we tried to catch that fish for a while until it was well after dark. So then I have to drive the boat upstream with 3 guys through a mile long set of shoals. Well after running aground for the 10-12th time I got frustrated and just gunned the throttle trying to free the boat. Broke the prop, had to change it in the river in the dark. Then decided to just walk the boat up the rest of the shoal instead of breaking more props (I always have 4 in the shallow water boat). Who doesn’t love walking a boat upriver in swift water wearing blue jeans in the dark? Me ..........
We have no shortage of fish and water! I think being sandwiched between the north and the south gives us diversity of species, not just fish. They say the smokies have a crazy amount of plant and animal diversity, especially with insects and salamanders
we have those too
You know, I guess I never investigated but after your post and another member from somewhere, maybe MI or MN, saying they didn’t have blue catfish, I’m a little embarrassed. I just kind of assumed all 3 species of catfish lived everywhere, you know what they say when you assume things................
I’m in the same boat (pardon the pun). Fishing is all I think about, anything else i need to get out of my mind to make room for more fishing info. I do enjoy frog gigging and frog legs but I don’t do that as often as I used to. But fried fish and fried frog legs is as good as it gets!! After work and all the other silliness there ain’t enough time for a whole lot
I’m always shocked that the trailer tires call for more air than the truck tires . Then someone pushed a bicycle and a pump in front of me and asked me to fill the tires to 120 psi. Tiny tires! I was shocked but sure enough they called for 120
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