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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Whoa. Is that a niner??? (Did I catch a niner in there?)
  2. MLF is an alternative if you are opposed to a weigh in then again MLF has super tournaments with 200 boats and weigh ins also
  3. Because they would rather have a regular 5 fish weigh in . Imagine how many times all of us would watch and re watch the footage of someone dropping a 40 lb bag on the scales
  4. My boat is an 18.5 ft aluminum made by duracraft. Great boat, we’ve seen some things together.......... I only have a 50 hp but it’s rated for 115 (I don’t like going fast). If memory serves I believe the brand is made by the folks at war eagle boats mine is more of a shallow water hull I suppose than most of the others mentioned, it barely needs any water to float. I kept thinking I was going to bottom out in this creek we camped in all weekend and it never hit. Heck it kept wanting to float away after I beached it
  5. Ok cool! I think I went to a sounds game when I was a youngster
  6. Down here? Not that I know of. We have the Tennessee smokies that are a Cubs affiliate, AA I think. A lot of the guys from the ‘16 world series team played for the Smokies coming up
  7. That’s an impressive record with no failures but tell the 12-15 screws and nails I’ve pulled out that failure isn’t an option and they will disagree
  8. Clips??! We don’t need no stinking clips!!!
  9. Good luck!!
  10. I like how you stay after those fish . Relentless! Nice catches
  11. There was a stabbing at a school in Nashville recently, maybe today packaging is ridiculous!!!
  12. “I’ve never heard anyone drop a beat at the end of the song” hahahaha
  13. Two cinematic references to “in the air tonight” you might enjoy @J Francho
  14. Oh man. I can’t change the channel fast enough when Phil Collins hits the airways. A lot of it stems from the orthodontist always have it set to the soft rock station and “in the air tonight” played every single time someone was torquing a wrench in my mouth as a child
  15. Go get em!!!!
  16. Holy crap!!!!
  17. The most impressive part about all that to me is the size of those largemouth! Sounds like Iowa is pretty awesome
  18. I’ll pull over well into the ditch just to avoid such haha. Although it sounds like the ditch is where A jay picked up the problem. Still yet a better problem than being flattened . I blew one on I-40 one time and drove about a mile on a metal wheel to get to an exit ramp and change it safely Hope you caught a bunch!!!
  19. Purchase some zoom dead ringers and you will thank me later
  20. Oakland is my favorite AL team, Cubs are my first love. Long story but my brother is a baseball fanatic and one of his good friends, Noelle, lives in Oakland and is also a baseball fanatic (A’s of course). I think her and her grandma used to go to every game
  21. Congratulations!!! I’ve been rooting for you to get off the bank for years haha. It’s that darn turbo that’s been holding you back........
  22. I have zoysia, it’s beautiful from may-oct then super yellow the rest of the year. Once the grass gets going the weeds can’t compete. In early spring I have onions and nut sedge while the zoysia remains dormant here’s what it looked like Tuesday , starting to green up already but I guess may is close
  23. Good to hear you had the PFD
  24. Ouch!!!!!! Since you’re a grandpa now, I think you have to lance that with a folding pocket knife and let the bad stuff out.
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