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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. What say me? Me say spinnerbait is stoopid
  2. You’ll get out from under that desk one day
  3. Catch and release is what makes the fish hard to catch, sounds backwards but it’s true. Every tournament competitor could legally eat 5 bass and most fisheries could support it. Which is why the limit is usually 5 (it’s 10 in most of Alabama ) then there’s the ethical dilemma of “do I quit fishing once I’ve got my limit,” a whole other ball of wax. If we as bass fishermen weren’t relentlessly determined to sore lip every single bass in America, they would be far easier to catch
  4. Looks pretty fat to me! Nice one . I bet it pulled the boat around
  5. Nice outing @PhishLI. Here’s an amateur tip (not pro tip because we are in the leaky Jon boat club) : JB weld is 100 times cheaper and 1,000 times more effective than anything with the name FLEX in it. Buy the one that looks like a roll of coins. I used about 1/10th of a $5 tube of it on my 1957 boat about 15 years ago and it still hasn’t leaked a drop
  6. Got a nice 20” fish, saw @Jerminationout there and he gave me a top secret lure that caught the bass
  7. Congrats!!!!
  8. 20 lb braid is way too thin for slinging spinnerbaits
  9. bass taste great but everyone will tell you they don’t, hoping to discourage you from killing them
  10. Not quite but I do like that cheap little thing, going strong 3 seasons in for like $70. I had to cut the grass at the lake house, which is on a cliff too steep for a mower. I always parlay that into 7 hours of fishing and 30 minutes of weed eating
  11. This picture sums up my day of fishing yesterday. I know what you’re thinking and yes that’s a weed eater in the boat. Didn’t catch much with it either . Did get some nice crappie flipping zoom craws at stumps
  12. I fish way too slow, unlike @Way2slow behind the wheel of a 200 horse Johnson venom I’m usually that guy but the drum always eat up the the crawdads . I do outfish most people when it comes to drum haha
  13. You might also be shocked how effective trolling a crankbait behind a kayak can be. I’ve never done it with pedals but I imagine it’s awesome and of course hands free
  14. Not only can you do math, you can do it backwards!! You win the day IMO for displaying excellence in extrapolation
  15. All I need is some zoom dead ringers and jigheads, but I usually take a little more
  16. I rarely fish alone and therefore rarely cast parallel to the bank. If you’ve got someone in the back of the boat, you need to position it away from the reed line so the person in the back has a chance to fish. If you get in close and parallel, the person in the back is basically screwed and probably won’t want to fish with you much anymore. I fished a tournament as a co angler once....... keyword once.......... 8 hours of being 3 feet from shoreline and I had to pay $100........... nightmare
  17. It’s looking like I get to go 7:30-4 tomorrow!!! (Banff film festival with the lady downtown in the evening). Should be glorious after getting soaked at work most of the day today. I do have to cut the grass at the lake house but as @Jigfishn10 knows, it’s 97% fishing and 3% work when I go down there
  18. They don’t call me much anymore thankfully. it’s kind of ridiculous because I need to answer phone calls to make money, and a lot of our customers won’t answer my calls because they think I’m a robot
  19. My brother used to bring trunk fulls of it down from PA. Now it’s available at every gas station and grocery store in TN, shouldn’t be long for you guys!
  20. I’ve been known to kill them on purpose, surely that’s worse than an accident
  21. I wait for a human on the line and try to waste their time. It’s the only way I’ve found to slow down the calls. When the auto warranty calls come in tell them you have all kinds of cars just make sure they are all old, I make them up on the fly . It’s kind of fun, they always ask about any other vehicles my family might have then eventually hang up on me. The key is to waste a human’s time and they don’t care for that
  22. Maybe sculpin but they only have two wide fins like that not 4. Salamander, newt? forgot to ask size, I’ve see some things like northern hogsucker where you might be able to see 2 sets of fins like that
  23. Congrats! That’s a monster. I think I have two similar jigs that you made.........
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