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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. In a boat hand made in TN I bet......... They really should scale back tournament frequency and size but that’s not happening, too much greed from gear salesmen. I would imagine there was a minimum of 1,000 boats on the water for that crash on Douglas
  2. And once you reach that point why not drive a tad further haha.
  3. It’s a lot like a push button ignition. Its another thing to break (and sell). It’s really not that hard to turn a key and start an engine
  4. According to Jimmy they are now turning to tears of joy! Hopefully she continues improving
  5. That looks like a dead fish in a box with hooks attached haha. Reminds me of the real samples they had in college that were preserved in formalin
  6. Any weather is good fishing weather. My two favorite times to fish are when it’s raining and when it’s not raining. Chew on that a minute let’s say it’s not good fishing weather. Would you rather be at home pondering on whether or not the fishing is good or be fishing ? I think you must have missed rule number one about fishing
  7. Rule number 1 about fishing: there are no rules. You never know if fishing will be good or bad until you’ve fished. Even then you can report bad fishing and your neighbor can report great fishing
  8. Ive never done much , or any damage that way. What kind of lake we talking? I only fish 30-40 feet in winter with small stuff.
  9. Nice!!! Your fellow smallmouth junkies are glad to have you back in the saddle
  10. It also comes with a tiny robot arm that hands you a piece of cake to eat
  11. Her????! Don’t do that for your own good and mine !!!! I bought a boat one time that seemed like it ran a little weird. I had to lay down and crawl under the front deck and found 2 solid concrete blocks , I think it was a tad over powered and the previous owner put them there to take some stress off the transom
  12. Magazine quality! (Or maybe better)
  13. Jimmy definitely didn’t seem sad !!!!
  14. Sounds like your passenger made one too many return trips to the buffet (and hopefully used a new plate each time)
  15. Nice ones! Now that you’ve caught a 12 lb bass you can quit tracking your PB bluegills hahaha. I can see how the bass get so big swallowing those things!!
  16. Public service announcement: please be careful and wear life jackets!!! We have this way too often but two people died on the water this week, one we saw being extracted last night on our way back to the ramp. He was apparently trying to step out of a pontoon onto a plastic kayak dock with rollers , not easy for anyone. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wate.com/news/top-stories/knoxville-fire-police-respond-to-water-rescue-suttree-landing-park/amp/ the other instance, everyone was wearing life jackets but two bass boats crashed at speed and one was killed on Douglas lake https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fox13memphis.com/news/local/one-dead-after-tennessee-boating-crash-during-bass-tournament-officials-say/Q6SLDHROPVH3NEQYWQ2MMR5PL4/%3foutputType=amp
  17. The sea was angry that day my friends
  18. Sounds like banded sculpin goby is very similar shape but I know nothing about them
  19. @king fisher, congrats!!!! I think that fish ate all the ones I caught. You scale might be off, looks more like 17 lbs
  20. Day 3 should produce!! They can’t resist for too long
  21. Something keeps giving my pickup truck a nice yellow coating as well , I’m guessing pine. Good thing I don’t have allergies! weightless worms are indeed great during springtime like mentioned above
  22. Cant argue with that!!
  23. But @Sam said they go when dogwood trees bloom ........ just busting your chops buddy! Even though our dogwoods bloomed a month ago and the bass still haven’t spawned
  24. Lame yet convenient is it legal for me To buy fishing gear then ship it to all of y’all?? This dilemma always cracks me up, I think I could make a killing off eager gear heads
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