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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Probably because the rightful owner of the television was chasing them with a baseball bat
  2. ‘93 Toyota pickup is my favorite you listed.......
  3. TnRiver46


    No hatch here yet
  4. Nowadays you can see where they are fishing on live coverage so it’s no mystery
  5. That 3M 5xxx stuff worked great for my transom rebuild
  6. Ernie and Bernie are local legends ! Bernie wasn’t too shabby in Madison square garden either
  7. One of Tennessee’s former hoops players is from shaker heights, Jon Higgins
  8. Didn’t have to trap that one!!! It was vocalizing loudly and a customers dog was licking it haha.
  9. “Hey sawbones I’m just carrying on an old family tradition “
  10. I’ve done it fresh and salt, dead and alive. It’s not pork or chicken! I’ve also never kayaked without ice. If the gills start turning a light pink color it’s time to ice them down. Fish lay in open air markets all day, sometimes not so cold. Dragging behind a kayak will keep them pretty fresh even in warm water, maybe not 90 degree water but that doesn’t exist near me
  11. about the same price as a bag of ice and re USABLE
  12. This one is easy for me, 6 on spinning, 12 on baitcasting. 20 on a flipping stick. All eagle claw
  13. Your hat is too big......... suspended in animation you might say....... nice fish
  14. Gators, aka gaiters, aka gravel guards. And before you ask, no these aren’t booties!!!! Sorry I couldn’t resist
  15. Just try them out, it’s about all you can do. I’ve put sneakers on the outside of stocking foot waders before. It’s not ideal but can be done if they are loose enough.
  16. I like mushrooms and all but that looks like alien guts
  17. I like your city. Sounds like a great place for the OP to move to
  18. An old pickup truck will set you free. Throw it in the back, strap her down, let’s go fishin. Daylight is a wastin’!
  19. Waders, boots, rod, lures....... good to go !! (ive ran that checklist through my head a few million times)
  20. Only one accident is good, we have 12-15 most years it seems
  21. He’s legal in Ohio, it’s been discussed in another thread. Felt has been proven that it doesn’t transport exotics any worse than rubber
  22. He says he needs more role players but sequesters 70% of the salary. He only needs to look at the QB that beat him in the NFC championship to witness the winning formula: take a little paycut if you want to win a championship in a team game and surround yourself with better talent
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