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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Derby day! (Isnt that what the pros say?)Fishing my 3rd bass tournament this morning
  2. I took my old fishing buddy captain Kenny to get cataract surgery on both eyes. His was a remarkable improvement but I believe he had avoided the surgery until he was basically blind. The doctors would say everybody come in here you’ve got to see how bad this cataract is! Seems like he had the textbook case
  3. Silicone would probably work fine for that small of a screw but I like 3m 5200 "for all your thru-hull applications" Wheres that screw in relation to the water line ?
  4. I’ve always done best with a white buzzbait
  5. We don’t really have the bigs where I live, the 2019 bassmaster classic (when all the big names were still with BASS) and the 2021 BASS elite event only kicked out a small number of fish at 6 lbs or better. If the best in the world can’t get 7 pounders I doubt I’m going to but we do have lots of 3-4 lb smallmouth that can keep you busy this spring I’ve just been catching hundreds and hundreds of white bass with a few other species mixed in
  6. They said it was from all the fish being in live wells that were bouncing through 4 foot waves all day
  7. Hahahahahahahahahah. Yea he bought that without really researching the fuel economy so it’s a truck that basically never gets driven. but yea, the rope broke just like we told him it would. It seems rare for a rope to be stronger than a big oak tree
  8. He tied a rope to it and pulled with a tundra, I’m sure you can guess how that turned out I remember that tournament with the rough water, there was some controversy with all the released fish floating for days .
  9. I’m old so I used to experience this phenomenon. Nowadays I’ve already fished all the rivers and hit all the rocks
  10. So the customer calls and says “you caught 4 possums in that trap!” I’m taking pictures and pick up the trap, one falls out and there’s still 4 in there. So I caught 5 in one trap haha.
  11. here’s the one at our shop, preventing use of the circle driveway haha. My boss got several bright ideas on how to get in down and it never moved a millimeter. Finally on his last suggestion one of my coworkers said “do you want us to put that on your tombstone?” And I think he finally got the point and called a tree service. They’ve had a few weeks to come get it down and it’s still there today , I don’t think they are excited about it either
  12. Lee livesay was throwing a walking bait about as far as you could imagine on lake fork recently (with a baitcaster)
  13. Now we are getting there! Have you ever been swimming and listened to braid underwater? Its like the sound it makes going through rod guides except being played over loud speakers
  14. You have to split it 4 ways to make it finer
  15. What you say is all true but you missed the real point........... now they can sell jigheads and worms that cost more than double what they should because people just gotta have it!
  16. Will do. Mine is a 50 hp Mercury 4 stroke and behaves the same. It will work perfectly for months at a time then won’t go up at random times. So far my solution is to switch the top and bottom one to get it to raise, then switch them back
  17. I went fishing last night with some 65 lb braid and a wire from and Alabama rig, and a spinnerbait blade . Didn’t get anything. Therefore, I am
  18. Issue not solved, still same problem
  19. From what I understand that’s all they bite in Southern California . Which is where people started finesse fishing........ with you guessed it, light line!
  20. No, they kind of sound like baby birds I saw one the other day eating bird seed in the bright sunshine
  21. How you going to go fishing without trying a plastic worm??
  22. that was an old pic on my phone that google photos found when I typed “fishing worm” haha
  23. Most popular reel on bass resource fishing forum. Speed clip optional, “no issues with break offs”
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