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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Less depth, less places to hide!! Advantage @the reel ess, bass beware
  2. 19-20’ is a magical number for smallmouth
  3. I just drag a worm along on the bottom. It’s 6-8 feet deep right next to the bank where I live
  4. Getting a little crazy around here, I’m starting to lose count. Two men were in a boat that sank on chickamauga, one swam to shore one didn’t make it.
  5. I was fixing to say that’s a big NO NO. Starlings are the ones you can shoot
  6. According to this map it’s always raining in Alabama. I camp there every year and I would say that’s accurate!!! but seriously I’ve worn a hat and shades everyday since I graduated high school (we weren’t allowed to wear hats to school).
  7. Well we aren’t allowed to deal with bear problems, but thats the biggest trouble maker around here. I think pulling a dead deer out of a pond was probably the biggest when you factor in the rigor mortis......... my boss had to wrangle an emu off the interstate once but that was long before my time
  8. I can’t see CXX so I quit using it but I remember it feeling thin (didn’t read the diameter on the box) I bought moss green, should have gotten clear I guess. I also remember cxx being extremely strong, I got hung up in swift current a few times and couldn’t break it, it was like an anchor line haha
  9. That’s no kayak, that’s a barge!!! Sweet ride, looks quite comfy
  10. Use them!!! I just don’t like having rods stored vertically, regardless of being in a kayak, canoe, or motor boat. I have bad habit of casting from all angles and I will somehow catch them on the back cast guaranteed
  11. 5 minutes is good time! I can’t even handle the complexities of a rod holder so I just lay them down. I’ve seen at least 7-10 rods go into the water while paddling with friends that didn’t flip over, it was always a rod holder involved (trees grabbing them, back casts grabbing them, or paddle smacking them out). I know they make better ones that don’t let the rods get ripped out but I can just lay them down and not worry about casts hitting them either
  12. I bet the deep wee R would go down halfway to the center of the earth being pulled behind a gas motor
  13. It’s wild! My 2-4 foot square bills hit bottom in 9-10 feet
  14. thanks guys, that was a few years back . They were chasing mooneyes up into the rapids, it was a sight to behold. Looked like orca whales rounding up seals against the beach
  15. Sounds like my fiancé, she’s got German blood and blonde hair/blue eyes. She has to be quite vigilant when we journey to Florida, she got lobster legs bad the first time we kayaked down there
  16. I don’t farm much but I always have a farmers tan and a red neck. Being up on a black or white roof of a commercial building is the worst. sunscreen works great, you can tell when you miss a spot! The lotion is very affordable (spray not so much) my most hilarious tan lines are always from hunching over in a canoe all day and my belly fat rolls create this ridiculous star pattern that makes me look like a cancelled Dr Seuss character
  17. I’ve always tried this with gas motor for bass (2 mph) and electric motor for crappie . What I always find is they won’t bite when I cast, but they will always keep biting if I keep trolling. I feel like this means what is triggering the bite is the lure whizzing by quickly.
  18. I also keep all mine bare bones. That way loading, unloading , and cartopping are quick and easy
  19. Cool! I think we reportedly only have the ruby throated ones over this way, and maybe another but I can’t recall
  20. Well largemouth are native to most of US and common carp aren’t native to anywhere in the US. So basically what you said is not only unpopular but completely incorrect
  21. If I threw a big spook on my $13 fiberglass spinning rods they would snap!! MH baitcaster throws them plenty far, sometimes into the top of a tree . I even throw Zara puppy on baitcaster, one time this joker grabbed it in a set of rapids, yee haw
  22. It will slice the fingers off your hand before it breaks!
  23. You ain't kidding, Geese can take down 747s!
  24. Culverts are also my favorite. A single log (whole tree) out off the bank in deep water is usually good too , but they don't stay put long. Bluff walls on the main channel has to be up there as well
  25. Nice work, enjoy the crappie meal!
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