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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.knoxnews.com/amp/5201772001 24 boating accidents, 7 fatalities, 9 serious injuries. All before memorial day
  2. https://apnews.com/article/business-environment-and-nature-643c0028d1c6e29c26c5a3fac396ba60
  3. I was going to post that, gotta burn coal to charge the car. Not much different than burning gas
  4. I already have trouble out of everything electrical......
  5. Chris Johnston just got a 5+ with a frog in the lily pads, just moved himself into 3rd. It was very fat, and they are calling it a pre spawn fish
  6. Most fish are being caught shallow, several spawning and cruising (2 months after the dogwoods bloomed..........). Not so much happening out deep, and a lot more spotted bass than in past years on the big G. kuphall leads after day 1 with 27 lbs. Scott Martin has made a huge move on day 2, jumping from 80th to 3rd
  7. I’d keep throwing that worm! Every pond I’ve ever fished, a weightless worm is better than anything else
  8. Good spot to live!!!
  9. Sheesh! Those are big uns. You have a boat???? And here all this time I thought you were a golf pond hopper
  10. I forgot about the poppers! Those are awesome
  11. You’re lucky the executive board of hillbillies hasn’t excommunicated your hind end
  12. Guilty until proven innocent when it comes to fishing Minnesota!!
  13. Sounds like you need to pick me up on your way down and change your luck!
  14. Sure did. He fishes with wads of night crawlers on bottom haha Ironically I’ve caught both of those in a cast net ?‍♂️
  15. My inlaws are up there, you probably know them if you drive along the maumee (Wilhelm). Everyone is mostly catfishing in that area from what I can tell. I want to try some of the marshes full of lily pads around erie. I don’t think there’s many if any bass far up the maumee from what the locals tell me
  16. Changing motor oil/filter and gear oil is nice and easy, the hardest part will be getting your filter off. Use a really big flat head screwdriver to change the gear oil .
  17. Works pretty good for growing gigantic mountain smallmouth too (i.e. watauga and south holston lake). Except here you can legally use the trout as bait, catch your own or buy a dozen. Smallies LOVE them
  18. Tws, slush daddy, and any of the small cranks
  19. Some of us don’t like the idea of leaving a whole bunch of worms in the water either
  20. @Spankeyback on the river, just what we like to see
  21. You guys just keep skipping over all those deep holes............no fish down there anyhow..........
  22. Do you want fries with that?
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