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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. When I read the title only I was about to post a simple “no.” Then I read about the aquatic veg and 5 lb bass, and now I say “yes!” Winch those big jokers out of there with some 50# and post us a pic
  2. Academy is the greatest. Ours never missed a beat
  3. That’s good work if you can get it!!!! I can barely wire in a light fixture, so I’ll have to stick to trapping, but if I could start all over again........
  4. A worm ! A rage menace is also good
  5. Check some YouTube footage from the latest BASS elite event over the weekend. Almost, if not all of the top competitors were fishing in shallow grass. I did see Palaunik deep cranking some but that was it
  6. There’s nothing finesse about a Carolina rig. Heavier the sinker the better, it’s all about bottom contact
  7. Nice! Missing frog fish is unfortunately a part of the game.
  8. The app was correct (non-typical result)
  9. I learned to Carolina rig in 4-5 feet of water on Toho of all places......... i was like “why are we throwing 1 oz sinkers in 4 feet” and my buddy says “grab this fish I’ve got” and it was big. We waxed em haha
  10. Never been to Tennessee?
  11. Those work well for swimming I’ve got 3 different color swammers with me down in south Alabama and a few swim jigs, ready for action!!!
  12. They make new poles everyday! I think that means you just got a really good hook set
  13. Nice! Thats a big largemouth
  14. I’m not sure what ive got but it’s sounds like you already know! Haha. I do know it’s a 4.7L v8
  15. Having to scratch out a few bites like the rest of now I see....... I’d stick to your home waters! Haha
  16. Haha! I’ll never have an automatic, I’m too far gone. You can still get new vehicles with stick shift
  17. Mine looks exactly like that but not clean
  18. Nice ! I bet dad wasn’t too upset either. I fished 58 degree water one week ago yesterday........
  19. First attempt at beer can chicken, almost done!!
  20. Something about sitting in a kayak hurts, and I’ve paddled probably 30 different ones over the years. They all hurt. Even in a top of the line sit on top with awesome chair, it still hurts. I have no idea why but it does. I can sit in my aluminum canoe with a flat metal seat for 13-14 hours and not even feel uncomfortable, much less hurt. It doesn’t really make sense. Maybe it’s the freedom of movement, I don’t know. I remember kayaking one time in some swift water and my left leg went completely numb, I’ve never felt anything like that before or since. I beached the boat and walked around a while, it went away
  21. @Bluebasser86makes a good one
  22. The hack attack has hacked his way into the top 10, although some have yet to weigh
  23. We had a pretty bad fly ash spill in Kingston, TN a few years back, pretty much abliterated a small town and a section of the river. Sure coal is “on its way out” but I’ve been hearing that for about 15 years and it’s still king of power in America (and other countries i would guess) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingston_Fossil_Plant_coal_fly_ash_slurry_spill we went to the moon over 50 years ago, I see society/technology moving backward not forward haha. According to my college professors we are supposed to be burned up and dead, flying around in bubbles by now
  24. Yeah that’s just TN, and I’m sure some crashes go unreported
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