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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. That’s what they all say...... Seriously I think it’s pretty bad, I’ve known a few people that have some really bad attacks, basically have to drop everything all at once and just suffer
  2. That looks different than the solitaire game I used to play back when I had a computer
  3. Nice ones, beautiful pads
  4. The evening session today yielded some fish. My buddy and one of his kids had to sit out so I took the older brother. This kid has skills! He stuck first blood out of the back of the boat with a spotted bass on a D bomb. Then he asked if he could run the troller. Why of course! So I sit in my comfy console chair and prop my feet up on the steering wheel, dragging a texas rigged menace. I got 3-4 decent ones, under a full moon which is typically my nemesis back home
  5. Nice! That’s the best mole trap going for a long time, although the same model with more coils on the spring were even better (no longer available). there’s a very happy medium when it comes to waiting for the trap to go off. I always stomp down all the tunnels I can find, then check again a few days later. The new ones that pop up are a good place to set on. Early in my career I would move them around like crazy, my coworkers always said make good sets and leave them, don’t outsmart yourself. The best method, in my opinion, is somewhere in that happy medium. Don’t move them around too much but do keep them on some fresh tunnels
  6. My brother calls that steering, not driving ..... he just got a brand new stick shift car
  7. It doesn’t look small to me!! Congrats
  8. Yea I trap nuisance animals for homeowners, businesses, churches, that kind of stuff
  9. My buddy and his son put a whooping on me this morning!!! Bowfin was released after he annihilated my boat and the youngster brought it back to camp to show everybody. Pretty cool!
  10. Congrats @Bluebasser86
  11. Just think of putting your kayak in a truck bed with the tailgate down after the first time you roof top it on an SUV! Just messing, it can all be done. We took my canoe to Edisto beach on my fiancé’s Honda Fit haha
  12. day 1 of vacation went pretty well, got a dozen or so largemouth. 96+ degrees forecast everyday, water temp 88 or so in the afternoon. We’ve got a small group this year, only 10-12 people so far and I still think we already have enough for the Thursday fish fry. Dark colored craw style baits were best for us, others reported spinnerbait and shad rap success and some nice ones getting away. side note: my buddy brought a camper this year, talk about an upgrade. I’m used to sleeping in a pool of sweat in my tent, it’s freeZing in there
  13. Go Cubs go! (Seriously, let’s get it going. We can’t hit haha)
  14. Stop thinking logically, it’s unacceptable....... im glad I have never relied on mail or tackle
  15. The problem is people are getting dumber not smarter. I see technological advances diminishing from my perspective. I had a 1985 pickup truck that got 30 miles to the gallon, its only gotten worse since then as I posted earlier, we are supposed to be flying around like the Jetsons by 2021. Instead we have worse MPG marine electronics? Heck we still have no idea what’s underwater. It takes weeks to find deceased people in the water that are way larger than fish. These recent developments you think are so awesome? The transducer looks forward instead of down or sideways. Does that really sound futuristic ??? They could see torpedoes approaching ships 60 years ago, maybe longer i seriously think technological advances are diminishing since about the time the internet came along.....
  16. I only fish tertiary points don’t get me Started on inside turns..... is that number 2 or number 4 at talladega??
  17. Arguing with folks like that is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. Eventually you realize the pig is enjoying it
  18. I don’t know, I squeeze it full until it comes out the tiny hole. @Way2slow said to stop before then and it won’t happen, which is probably sound advice. I just have grandpa‘s advice in my head when I’m using oil and grease, the more the merrier. My weedeater runs rich!
  19. I’ve never seen my depth finder blank, there’s fish everywhere . I’ve also fished 3 decades non stop and I still don’t know what a secondary point is, and I also don’t care. Fishing is easy to over think!
  20. I just let the sinker slide and slam into a bead. Aka bass dinner bell and the bead protects the knot
  21. I always put too much grease and it slings. Grandpa used to say never skimp on oil and grease. I can’t go cross country without packing them full. I’m 5 hours south of home and it’s rolling nicely tho
  22. It’s my forever home once I can convince the lady we don’t have to live in the city, she’s says 5 years. although your plan could fit in with my plan haha
  23. Heck it seems like living in NYC is starting to become a dying sport. You can sell a house sight unseen to folks from NY and CA right now in the south, and lots of people are cashing in. My new lake house neighbors are from New York, they even bought 25 extra acres to build houses for their kids
  24. Because you are too busy loading the boat with cut R and speed worms??? the only thing I don’t like about c rig is its not exactly fast to tie on
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