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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. There was nothing in the news which leads me to believe he’s A ok
  2. I’ve got the same trolling motor, it’s a beast
  3. Testing them is the best sure fire way to see which runs better, sounds like you already did that. My boat I think runs somewhere around 5500 rpm wide open (50 merc 4 stroke)
  4. Sure looks like it would work but I’ve never tried it. I didn’t even get my trout stamp this year, but I still can at anytime. I saw some guys on YouTube catch trout with cut threadfin shad on a similar rig recently
  5. Haha! I was on vacation all week! I’ve got plenty of irons in the fire. I wouldn’t exactly call it work, I help my buddy Jon some weekends at a paddling rental shop in Knoxville . You could catch smallies off a paddle board Kent!
  6. Tonight? Does 12:30 pm count? (I did just get off work, a grueling 1.5 hour shift of hauling canoes kayaks and paddlebords
  7. I’ve straightened out many a hooks for pins
  8. What is boy? Is Timmy stuck at the bottom of a well??
  9. I should add, you need the tools also. The other day this happened and my tool box was in the other boat........ Woops haha. Luckily it ran ok except while turning.
  10. Always. I keep 4 of them in my little river boat haha. I always have an extra trolling motor prop too. And two paddles
  11. Yes indeed. I fished hard all week and worm was my number one producer by a landslide then again it’s been that way as long as I can recall
  12. That would be probably double my biggest bag ever, great job! I been throwing a jig a ton lately and haven’t gotten a bite in what feels like years
  13. I’ve driven all along chickamauga today, one of the most famous bass lakes in the country, and it was fairly deserted. I think the fishing pressure might’ve finally started making people go elsewhere
  14. Nice! I like your canoe, I have a similar one
  15. It’s pretty awesome, he installed the motor himself (350) A couple years ago he put that motor in an old lays potato chip delivery truck and used it as a camper
  16. Here’s a beautiful machine one of our party brought camping this week #thingsyoucantdriveinnewyork
  17. Not many, if any. Soddy daisy has a few backwater areas but a bass boat can go just about anywhere a yak can
  18. I’m waiting for winter to start so I can catch big smallies again ........ going to be a while
  19. Boat traffic has turned on a bite for me many times : the deep bite and the rip rap. Waves smashing rip rap is always a good spot and overhead traffic can drive fish down deep, right where I want them. I go fishing no matter what other people are doing, ain’t gonna let them slow me down. The best part about holidays is getting off work (although I don’t always get off work, I think I’ve got to work Sunday )
  20. That comes up a lot around here too. Many people swear that smallmouth swim upstream like a salmon to spawn. I suppose that’s possible but striper and white bass do that and they are always stacked up thick below dams, smallmouth not so much.
  21. You could chug a quart of racing fuel before you hop into the yak
  22. Tube all the way my buddy left a z man tube on my console that ate a hole in it...........
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