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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Pro tip: If you don’t pay attention to when free fishing day actually occurs, you won’t notice any difference bunch of codgers..........
  2. And the day after........ and all days! (I like water)
  3. For a long time I called them moneymakers because I got paid to run one 8-10 hours a day. They have always been one of my favorite toys
  4. That yak is a monster!!! Heck I’d probably put a picnic table on there
  5. Drink more water! (It’s pretty easy )
  6. Looks normal to me, definitely a largemouth. Not sure on Florida strain or not but coming from Florida it’s a safe bet!
  7. Congrats! The fish will still be there when you’re off work
  8. It just takes seeing a lot of them, practice makes perfect like anything else. There are several determining characteristics and only a DNA test proves exactly what you’ve got. nice fish jig man
  9. Im Sure it still burns but it doesn’t always stop a human . Some people are crazy
  10. Looks like it just punched and kicked the nitro, not ate it
  11. I think I should have made the title “the case of the missing OSB”
  12. Well I guess somebody has to follow @j bab‘s monster fish got out after work and had a fun evening, a 18”+ smallmouth grabbed my lure in the first five minutes, a rage menace on one of @Bluebasser86 shakey heads (he didn’t jump off) then my buddy got a nice spotted bass Then I tried some drop shotting with a little hand poured X zone bait and a herring grabbed that as soon as it hit the water. The smallies were biting it non stop as well, I need to drop shot more often
  13. Is it curled up in a ball in the picture ?
  14. Switch to mono and eliminate all your worries. Not just the leader, the entire spool
  15. Sometimes you are walking around on the roof of a massive commercial building and a light bulb just comes on and you figure it out......... or you see grimey raccoon tracks leading to the point of entry
  16. If you’ve had a bowfin in your boat, you might change your tune about wanting to catch dinosaurs
  17. Ah the old shaft fouler...... good trick
  18. Got the first one out of the way, nice fish! (And boat)
  19. I miss 99.9% of all bites when I fish with a bobber. When I take the bobber off, the fish magically get hooked.
  20. I only fish alone when everyone else is busy. I would much rather share almost any life experiences with other humans. It may be an Appalachia thing, all we’ve ever had is each other give me good times with old friends or even total strangers over solitude, I’ve met some great people along the waterways
  21. We have next to zero if not zero cottonwood trees
  22. Here’s a video on the subject, I thought there were BR topics also but I couldn’t find them
  23. Or maybe I’m not wrenching it tight enough haha. I did almost cut my hand once....
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