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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Yes sir sure do . There are times when you can dial in a bait caster with any line and you might not have to thumb it to stop but it’s rare. I always use some amount of thumb control
  2. Yes casting and you can bomb them. Little Cleo is my favorite but they have priced themselves out of my league, now I use cotton Cordell mostly. I like them because they catch the bass! A lot of times the runts are busting the top and the bigger ones are below lazily eating the shad that sink to the bottom
  3. And a peanut may be added to the “coke” or “dope”
  4. It’s all about the dollar! Hard to make money on cheap mono. You sure do see a lot of line snapping on the pro tours tho......
  5. Correct, classic is usually 50 something competitors and 3 days instead of 4
  6. I still use a dead ringer every trip out but not the big ones
  7. C and c outdoors or sloans oughta have them
  8. You don’t have to wear the worms, just catch bass with em! (They seriously work surprisingly well along with the bubble gum flukes)
  9. Floro on spinning: no thanks. Mono is better AND cheaper the problem we all encounter is that we think it’s worse because it’s cheaper
  10. Did a little canoe fly fishing last night
  11. I was wondering why that pink worm wouldn’t cast, was it made of paper?? (Btw I caught two smallies with a crawdad fly that looked like a cicada on holston last night)
  12. You need some pink worms !
  13. Clearly you’ve never seen the movie zoolander..........
  14. Bone
  15. @Jaderose.................
  16. Hahah! Yeah that’s a special set of skills you have, not sure I’ve seen anyone better . Even your tackle boxes are pre scented
  17. This is ironic to read, my brother was comparing fishermen to golfers today. He said “why is it they always just want the latest greatest clubs/tackle and still shoot in the 90s or catch dinks?” Let’s just say we all should have gotten into boat/tackle sales a long time ago . cane pole and live worm catches fish If you must use artificial lures, take plastic worms, rattle traps, and your favorite topwater for a decent downsized collection
  18. It reminded me of a pro, either drew Benton or drew cook fishing pickwick with a ned rig. Not too long into it, he said “I’m almost out of jigheads” When you are fishing solid rocks the lead gets stuck, not the hook point
  19. No he lost the tubes, not the fish. I should have specified, he has to break them off constantly
  20. I’ve never understood this rig or been able to rig it. I’ve also watched Jacob wheeler’s camera man lose hundreds of them on the TN river so I don’t really think I want to try it
  21. Y’all every tried blue jeans??? It’s a new pant, they are all the rage! Sure they are a little hot but you already own them, so there’s that! I wear them up on shingled roofs during summer, it can be done my definition of fishing pants: the ones I already have on. If for some reason I’m not wearing pants, grab some that are already dirty and go fishing
  22. I have a gallon jug riding shotgun anywhere I go
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