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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. It sounds like you were taught the same as me, “He who humbles himself will be exalted and he who exalts himself will be humbled”
  2. There’s a lot more money in drywall than there is in bass fishing!
  3. Sometimes a shorter rod is more manageable and a shorter boat in respect to tree limbs and all that jazz but I’m sure you could get used to anything
  4. Family guy weather man Ollie Williams sums up the one constant of all our seasons
  5. Somebody has to do the hard work of catching all the big ones, looks like y’all have made the sacrifice and agreed to take on the project ill just keep fishing for 13 hours straight and catching a couple dinks, I don’t want bore myself catching a bunch of 3 lbers!.........
  6. (Insert kiss my rear end emoji)
  7. They have to get shallow enough to get sunlight to the eggs. It depends on water clarity but LM probably don’t spawn deeper than 10 ft often
  8. Wow I know that was hard to share, your Bass resource family is here for you buddy!
  9. Our dog was begging for someone’s pizza on an outdoor patio of a restaurant one time so my fiancé jerked on the leash to send a message. Well ole bo, being the beagle/basset that he is, let out quite a “booooooooooo!” And let me tell you, everyone on that patio immediately became extremely concerned with our dogs well being and pretty much carried on like we should be locked up for animal cruelty. So in the eyes of the public, discipline is cruel. I wish bo would have eaten their whole pizza and puked it onto their shoes. In today’s America: dogs>people and discipline is evil and that’s the way it’s going to stay
  10. We have those same tire chain stores in my area and they are pretty good and quick as well. Glad you got a new safer set. I’ve had my share of blown tires over the years but it is not as dramatic as you might think, it shouldn’t cause anything to flip over in any way. It’s more like a flopping sound and you just pull over safely And change the tire
  11. Soldering Certainly improved my connections in my boat. Also you can buy a new plugs and new receptacles fairly easy
  12. I’m sure a canoe would basically be a sailboat in Kansas anyway. I might actually enter some tournaments if they allowed canoes. Or maybe I could use the fiancé’s kayak, mine would all get laughed out of the competition
  13. We have experimented with dark chocolate kit kat in substitute of the graham crackers. Also used chocolate crackers and even chocolate oranges a few times
  14. They won’t eat a hole in your tackle box either
  15. That tent is sight to behold. We used to use PVC pipes but storms snapped them. One member of our party got a bunch of steel pipes bent to fit by a muffler shop and it holds a lot better. The tarp I think is for a row of hay bales, we fold it up and store it in a big trash can on wheels. Once assembled, it’s affectionately referred to as the silver dome
  16. That’s awesome!!! I’ll be up that way in a couple months. We ♥️ Michigan
  17. I believe it’s that bridge over the two big lakes! Yikes
  18. Some photos from recent trips And the grand setup we use in Alabama when camping for a week
  19. Pro tip for cleaning a pot while camping: use sand and tiny gravel
  20. I wish that were true, i eat them a couple times a week But the problems persist
  21. Bingo . I’ve never had high end gear And I’ve never felt like I needed it
  22. I like to work as much as possible (while still being able to hang out with Rachel and fish) on whatever days as long as it’s not dark outside. I’m sleepy enough as it is at 3 PM, don’t recall ever seeing a 3 AM
  23. Same as my favorite indoor foods, steaks brats or fish. Or anything really haha. I’m all of a sudden very hungry
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