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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. My friends dog gobbled up a dead mouse that had (maybe) been poisoned. They pretty much cried their eyes out and planned the dogs funeral, while the dog had no symptoms and is doing just fine (old tiny dog too). Things that never actually happen scare people the worst!
  2. Can anyone help me remove a hook from my lip?
  3. Which brand of cigarette and which hook? Asking for a friend
  4. The problem you run into is that people won’t believe what you just said!!
  5. Seems like once you hook the fish he’s got a plug knocker to work with
  6. I’ve always accidentally pinched the hose while lowering and raising the motor, my console depth finder gives more accurate speed anyhow. In my small boat with nothing electronic, I use an app on my phone called speedbox. And I go like 11 mph so I have no idea why I want to know that
  7. A dead squirrel won’t chew through very much.......
  8. Have fun in Orlando @Glenn!
  9. What is this drought you speak of? Never seen such.......
  10. Nice! Purple worm still making smiles
  11. I’ve never seen a lake or river with a speed limit
  12. Yeah them too!! Lot of thorns...... it’s like picking blackberries
  13. I don’t think so, it was sure a weird shape though and fought like the devil
  14. There should be an asterisk next to whoever wins this year
  15. My new one was only $17 so I don’t know if it’s worth the hassle
  16. Most of the ones I’ve heard of (and had in my boat) were at the trolling motor plug
  17. Oh I sprayed it all over my retaining wall haha. I uploaded a video here but then thought that’s probably not good to encourage people to have one that reads empty. I put the new fresh one on board but I was about to throw the other away but thought why not try it . I figure keep as an extra instead of throwing away one that still sprays
  18. Yeah I thought that was banned. Definitely should be, maybe I’m thinking of another trail. Could have a spear fishing tournament and see who the real men are?? Sight fishing isn’t so easy when you have to swim and hold your breath
  19. Got a warning for an empty fire extinguisher last night, already bought a new one and put it in the boat. So here’s my “empty” one. Sure felt full when I went to throw it away............. It’s very full and works, I guess I’ll keep it around the house. If you are ever receiving a ticket for an empty one, maybe you can keep it near your backyard fire pit before you throw it away
  20. I want to give this guy mad props but he left that thing parked there blocking the exit and was nowhere around haha. I had to get creative to get out
  21. @Jigfishn10, im sure you saw but the Sox beat the Yankees on a double play last night
  22. Lure same as a frog but not a frog? So far it’s mostly all frog advice, maybe I misunderstood the question
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