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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. You got all the fun part out of the fish, you just didn’t want to get your hands all slimy
  2. Um, I can’t remember if anything picture worthy happened last week or so. I’ll consult the archives …….. looks like it was tough sledding until Friday when I caught a groundhog I had been after for 3 weeks and a raccoon I had been after for one week. The raccoon had been getting in a foundation vent down low behind a bush that was kind of hidden. Here’s the vent, the plastic factory one didn’t fit up under the siding so I had to lay in the mulch and use a mirror to rig up some wire mesh. Once again not raccoon proof but it should stop a stray cat or possum from walking in there in the future
  3. I have seen boat waves ignite a feeding frenzy a time or three. One bank I know has a bunch of loose rocks inside a chain link fence on the waters edge, lots of fish seems to feed there when waves hit the rocks
  4. Enough to invite me over!
  5. My buddies pulled into a launch at daylight one time and a car was face first in the water. My buddy walks up to the guys and says “rough nite, eh?” They said they were partying listening to music all night on the car radio and the battery died. So they tried to pop the clutch and start the motor using the incline of the boat ramp………. Hehehe that particular ramp is wild, I’ve seen lots of dead deer and mattresses and burned up cars. And there’s off road trails all through the woods to top that off so it’s typically loud as well. The comic relief is the only saving grace
  6. I always go into an auto parts store and buy hose by the foot and a primer bubble, then some hose clamps and make my own. What you might need from wal mart (or a boat store) is the connectors that clamp onto the ends of the hose and plug into the motor and tank
  7. I was on the water all weekend, saw a cool Yankee Doodle hat and surfed some waves, fish were biting pretty good on the 4th
  8. More bass drum
  9. Bass drum……. See what I did there?
  10. Or maybe more like a guys with the best air guns using a hammer instead, they’ve got 360 imaging and live scope and are using a megaphone with glass in it Perhaps sometimes the old school stuff is better? I think we’ve learned from the MLF dink fest discussion that the powers that be indeed care about what “random” Internet forums think
  11. I’m not trying to get it changed. Like I said in my previous post, hi tech or low tech is not important. it’s the optics of laying down on your boat and looking through a cone to locate spawning fish. Some viewers would rather not see that and it’s not just a tiny fraction, I didn’t watch any of the coverage. Obviously not everyone feels the same way about it, it’s quite a hot topic currently
  12. Proving wildlife intentions is an exercise in futility. People always ask me why the raccoon chose their attic to live in. My response is “there he is in that cage, just ask him and see what he allows” the scientific experiment that the OP has conducted is literally just as solid as any research you will find, he hooks more fish deep with the newer lures that have more scent than anything before. You will not find any better research from any so called scientist
  13. It doesn’t matter one bit how long the flogger has been around, or how high tech or low tech it is. A lot of folks don’t like sight fishing beds and when you do it with a magnifying glass, then they really don’t like it.
  14. Well that looks slicker than a peeled onion! Nice work, I bet that gets a perfect reading
  15. Twisting your straps can cut down on the noise quite a bit
  16. I would probably have to go with my dear friend Albert. He’s my buddy’s grandpa, their entire family took me under their wing when I was about 13 years old. Not only do they teach youngsters a lot about fishing, but the life lessons always come out during long hours on the boat or at fish camp. You’d be hard pressed to find a better group of individuals than this family, they all grew up dirt poor and have tons of information and stories to pass on
  17. That’s why the backlash, a bunch of people never experience it so they just pile on the messenger . I don’t use elaztech for other reasons (it melts and reacts with all kinds of stuff, don’t really want that in my boat or in the water) but I’ve seen many smallies come from super deep water with the ned rig down in the throat. Not in the gills, always swallowed in that soft part down the middle. I would imagine they swallow the max scent because it smells stronger than other scented baits
  18. David Dudley said the same thing about ned rig and got lots of backlash but I’ve personally seen it first hand many times with the ned, my buddies deep hook smallies with ned all winter long. It wouldn’t surprise me with something maxed out with scent
  19. That largemouth could capsize my vessel
  20. You need some better friends!
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