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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. The smallmouth and largemouth live together here so I guess you could throw me into that category. I use feathers more than hair but both are great. Marabou jigs in 1/16th and 1/8 are unbelievably cheap. Largemouth like minnows just as much as the smallies
  2. Right along concrete is a good place to set on them, nice work!
  3. I just use a jerkbait that is already warped and I don’t care to loose. I’ve got about a 2% hookup ratio but they are still worth it, they can take a whole spool of line on a run and the jumps are crazy, looks like billfish tailwalking. also they bite most lures almost every cast
  4. I was even starting to get loopy under the noonday sun haha
  5. Those look exhausting! Haha. Luckily you’ve been training
  6. I would imagine @MN Fisheris happy to see Felix and Fieder both in the top 10
  7. It was a trick! Just trying to get the esox guys to look at my fish picture
  8. I think that’s only legal if the live bait one is over 18” haha
  9. Well, I had quite the day on the water. We will start with the best part, a 21” smallmouth so I launched not long after 7 and trolled for a while, only got one bite pulling a red squarebill. I kept seeing fish busting shad so I tried casting a spook for a while to no avail. Then I hear small rocks falling into the water, Iook behind me and there’s a groundhog clinging to a cliff. I took a picture and short video, figured he was trying to get a drink so I left him alone, then I hear the splash haha. He fell in and swam to a flatter spot, I had to get video of a swimming groundhog. then I switch sides of the river and guess what there’s a groundhog in the water. It climbs out and runs through the grass after I see it……………… I suppose it could have been the same one and it swam all the way across the river when I wasn’t looking. Either that, or it was so hot outside even groundhogs had to jump in the river. Anyhow, after safari planet was over, I hadn’t boated a fish until about 10:30 or so when I got a dink dragging a tube. Then I wasn’t paying attention at all around noon, hot as blazes (being lazy @pdxfisher……) and my line was swimming. Tighten up without a hook set and it was the big 21” fish in the top pics, great fight lots of jumps. It was pure luck I suppose but I don’t think I’ve ever hooked a fish that well, I had to destroy the jig head in order to get it out of the bass’s jaw. That’s probably the biggest smallmouth I’ve caught since January, I even considered going home after landing it. Well, I’m glad I didn’t because the safari planet episode continued when I captured a 41-42” dinosaur with a jerkbait (cheap 6 lb eagle claw mono and backreel) This thing might as well have been a tiny marlin the way it was tail walking and making runs
  10. You would be correct! Shake in cornmeal and fry in veggie oil and they are top notch, easiest thing in the world to cook
  11. You never know, I just fish. Today I’ve caught 2 smallies, one about 5” and the other 21” +
  12. I’m guessing there are several no cell service areas on the lake
  13. I was going to say that just means it cost a lot more when you hit one
  14. I usually leave it unlocked so you can jump over stumps But I have forgotten many times and given it some throttle in reverse and the thing came up and sprayed water everywhere
  15. Another good option if your trolling motor is still working is to keep it running with the pull rope in your hand. Lift the rope until the prop is just barely in the water and you can drive it nearly all the way onto the trailer with the TM. This is also how guys access very shallow waters. Always keep a paddle on hand as well. Every boat trailer should have a winch strap as long as the trailer so you only have to get close
  16. I think my brother sent me a picture of the perfect hat for this thread
  17. The worst ones I’ve see were in Alaska, water everywhere skeeters everywhere. I’ve also nearly had mental breakdowns when they were eating me in Alabama and South Carolina. I hate those things. interestingly, it’s CO2 that draws them in so all you have to do is stop breathing and they won’t bite you ………..
  18. He indeed has a family and they travel along with him to several events
  19. I’ve got hair where the mesh part is, top of the head not so much….. hahaha
  20. I don’t know you ventured onto the water’s surface . Nice work and nice boat
  21. It depends on who you ask and what people’s politics are.
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