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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Our county shelter does that too. They have tried all kind of different strategies for feral cats and they all have the same result: failure haha
  2. I get the last laugh on the whiskered fish though, I remove ALL their skin and deep fry them
  3. Wildlife management area near my house
  4. I’ve torn apart welds and rivets intentionally, they are both extremely strong. The rivets from the 50s are the strongest thing I’ve come across
  5. I’d spend $79.99 and not have any issues
  6. The water near my house never gets much above 75 (some years never makes it there), it comes from the bottom of deep lakes
  7. As a person that has removed many squirrels from many churches, this isn’t terribly far from the truth!
  8. We’ve got some goldfish in the river, if they “take over” anything I’ll kiss your……..
  9. The locals all told me to fish lighted docks all night. I got excited about trying it until I realized I would be canoeing in the ocean in the dark. Oh dear, No thanks!! Back to bed
  10. Looks like my kind of trip, nice job.
  11. I’ve been to both of those places! South Carolina locals always tell me to come back in the fall but my fiancé’s birthday is in June so we usually catch croakers and whiting haha i can’t remember exactly what all we got in Islamorada but I think the best thing was yellow tail snapper. I did hook a baby tarpon in a kayak in key largo but it defeated me easily great pics and great results even though disappointing. I’ve never got a snook, I had to watch one stare at a live pin fish on a hook all week at a place we stayed at one time. Followed them for a week but never bit
  12. I think Eastern Carolina has the world record it somewhere like 900 lbs
  13. I can’t believe nobody is throwing a rattle trap
  14. We have more and more every year also. This year they have attacked two people I think, definitely one sleeping in a hammock.
  15. No kidding this is the line I use 95% of the time. It’s over 1 mile of line for under $4. I don’t know what they put in there but it’s strong. I reeled in a 40+” gar yesterday with 6 lb test that had even Lassoed itself several times and the line was scraping against the razor sharp scales . After releasing the fish I checked the line and it wasn’t even frayed??!!! I’ve broken braid and floro much more often and I rarely use braid and floro
  16. I saw two guys watching water come out of the drain hole of a boat in the parking lot a couple days ago. They said they “filled up their livewell” also haha
  17. My grandpa used to cringe every time he reached down to lip a bass with treble hooks in its mouth still fighting. He always said “don’t ever let me see you do that”
  18. He’s done more for the species than most humans, most of it made possibly by those jaw jackings Also during his tournament career they brought the fish in dead
  19. Ive seen Zaldain and fieder both hook fish deep with a spinning rod in this tournament, and there’s only 6 cameras so I’m guessing this happens a lot more than anyone would like to admit. They also both set the hook immediately upon feeling the bite and are of course highly skilled anglers on the other end of the spectrum combs hooked a 4 lb smallmouth with a huge lure of some sort and horsed it into the boat instantly and it was bleeding from the mouth. He said it kept missing the lure then got it good
  20. Keith combs was ripping a jerkbait and a fish grabbed it right at the trolling motor, jumped sky high, then got boat flipped all in a matter of seconds. Why isn’t Champlain 30 minutes from my house again??
  21. I always watch electronics while trolling , a little bit of both I suppose. Granted I use a basic finder but you learn a lot constantly staring at it
  22. ^i have been thoroughly out fished by people throwing these trailers on a spinnerbait.
  23. When I saw that pic it reminded me of a buddy’s canoe. He’s got a board and some eye bolts that allows a troller to clamp off to the side of the boat. One day he sat me back there and said work the trolling motor. I kicked it onto 5 and Yee haw that thing slipped right off the wooden block and I about dropped it in the river. It only happened 16 more times throughout the day. BUT, there was a distinct advantage. The long slow pools we normally skip, we troll minnow plugs through and catch Bass
  24. That’s how I lay down every night to sleep
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