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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. Is there anyway to undo this action? I guess it’s not terribly Important but……
  2. Green bass and brown bass eat the same things. I would guess smallies in a pond wouldn’t live too long
  3. And here I thought it was always just me being an idiot (which is still a factor….) I hate everything that I purchase from Lowe’s!!! You always end up having to go back like five times before you’re done with anything
  4. I caught a potential world record spotted bass last week. The fish hit my walking bait and the fight was on!!! After several runs, I lipped the fish, unhooked it and let it go. Just as I was looking up the spotted bass record on my phone, someone was shaking me and said “babe, you’re snoring. get off the couch and go back to bed.”
  5. If I get a limit of bass, I’m going home to call the New York Times and see if they want to run the story in tomorrow’s edition
  6. If y’all really want to know how to catch bigs like a pro, just ask me. Caught this beast last night in all seriousness, I appreciate everything James did for us on here. If I had to travel like they do, I wouldn’t ever be on forums. I’d be lucky to find my toothbrush and deodorant
  7. Ha! Yeah we have a massive collection of destroyed traps. Some are better than others, we use tomahawk and safeguard and they seem to hold up well for several years. The ones you get at Home Depot or tractor supply usually get torn up badly after the second or third raccoon. Tomahawk came out with a new trap a few years back with thicker metal so we got a dozen of them. Doggone if the doors weren’t too short, raccoons have escaped out of all of them
  8. He’s such an enabler
  9. Welcome to the club! My name is Russell and I’m a bassresource-a-holic
  10. 3rd one in that same spot, the first two came much easier
  11. That some wild stuff. We have several places where water goes underground for a ways, but not many people explore them. The “Lost Sea” is about the extent of my exploring and it’s a tourist attraction haha
  12. Oh dear . Now there’s one I’m not going at with a fillet knife
  13. I was going to suggest the gas vent but didn’t want to sound like a smarty-pants
  14. Every time I think I have a big fish on the line, I pull the anchor up To fight the fish. Big fish while anchored has better odds of breaking the line
  15. I can’t even transport shad from the cast net to the bucket without them dying haha. Fragile little boogers
  16. If you’re 20hp has a rip cord, one $75-80 dual purpose battery will be fine. It not, get two lead acid batteries for $150 instead of a single battery for $150. No reason on earth to have an expensive battery to start 20 horse engine
  17. I would just keep enjoying the ride
  18. The next lesson you will learn is that when you take a measuring tape and a scale you will never catch a big one (Murphy’s Law of measurement)
  19. Momma said alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush
  20. That’s what our highland reservoirs look like in winter (except there are trees on the bank) They lower them all 30-40 feet every winter for flood storage
  21. Well, it depends on what it is. There was another list of banned species (gobies, some kind of crawdads, and carp)
  22. Goldfish are fair game, don’t even have a number limit
  23. I think it’s legal bait (here)
  24. Oh believe me there are brochures and programs and everything in the world telling people not to feed them. It only makes people want to feed them worse. There are groups of people that go all over town and feed feral cats at restaurant and gas station dumpsters. And these aren’t just crazy people, some of them are pHD customers of mine……..
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