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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. When I got my drivers license at 16, my aunt said I need you to take me to a doctors appt. So I take her and sit down in the waiting room, unknowingly right next to the bathroom. Well you can imagine, I heard explosions non stop . I had no clue what kind of doctor we were at but she explained the situation when she came to hahahabaha
  2. I’ll never tell!!!! just kidding, really tall dams is how it’s possible. The water that comes out of the dam is from like 200 feet under the surface of the lake , it’s icy cold
  3. The river near my house just got above 70 for the first time all year recently, and when they are running more water it dips down below 70 still. There are a few places where the water never gets above 60 year round
  4. I’ve hooked the same bass two casts in a row on two different occasions. Both times the line broke on the hook set and I caught the fish on the next cast with my lure from the previous cast still stuck in its mouth
  5. I always have one of each unless I’m wading. Baitcaster for topwaters/jigs/crankbaits, spinning for plastics on jigheads
  6. That would be my guess, there’s typically floating bass after big tournaments here (two massive tournaments have occurred on the Saint Lawrence recently ). One of my game warden friends made some funny comments about the “live release” pontoon boats. The first was “easiest over the limit ticket you could write” and the other thing he said was “do you know why they use those? So all the dead ones aren’t floating near the ramp”
  7. Spotted bass indeed
  8. Skinny water shenanigans
  9. I Wasn’t calling you out for plagiarism buddy! Just saying great minds Think alike the hardest part for me about measuring fish is getting them to hold still and close their mouth
  10. It’s all downhill after you dunk it the first time……..
  11. Nice fish, go trash pandas!
  12. He sure doesn’t seem to upset about it on social media, he posted yesterday that he’s still in line to fish the classic next year
  13. I know a Josh sharp (I think) that has a YouTube channel called bass n beer but it may be a different guy by the same name, he lives in Knoxville. I’ve fished center hill a time or two, I really like it. I’ve never been on priest or hickory but I’ve laid eyes on them a time or three
  14. The monkey has you right where he wants you
  15. The bait monkey. He is well documented on this website, and has mystical powers that cause fisherman to purchase far too many lures
  16. I mean, if it was a common scenario they would have been in the ponds before the flood
  17. That’s a hard way to fish in the wind , I like something heavy like a spoon
  18. I like the biggest hooks I can put in a fluke. I don’t know about light or heavy gauge but I miss almost every single fish that ever hit a fluke with 1/0 and 2/0 hook. Switched to 5/0 and I actually started hooking them. There’s a lot of plastic to gob up on the hook when the fish chomps down
  19. I try to never step where water washed onto the ramp itself. I usually beach off to the side and walk on the riprap or through the grass. Since I’m on the upper end of the reservoir and fish up the rivers a lot, the water level fluctuates 2-3 feet daily and when the water recedes, it leaves mud slicker than greased owl **** at the bottom of the ramp
  20. You complained about poor management at a lake with lots of 8-12 lbs bass?????????!?? Haha I see where you were coming from, but we as humans have a way of thinking we know what’s best when nobody every tries different methods. Accidental management is pretty effective!!! It probably works better than intentional management most of the time people should eat more bass, they get pretty smart being released all the time! the fish in the picture is monstrous, way bigger than anything I’ve caught! I would say at least ten pounds
  21. I found a good one in your inbox. You might want to give a prince in Nigeria a call, he wants to wire you some big time cash
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