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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. 25 people making constant trips to Home Depot might could fix that in a day
  2. I guess I underestimated…….. Interesting point about the current. The Ohio River has constant flow where the Tennessee and Cumberland are always stopping and starting down that way
  3. They are around my grill regularly!!!
  4. I’d like to know exactly how much money they have made off Asian carp. Seems like they get about 10 million off every invasive species
  5. Shellies!!!! These were at a customers house, unfortunately I didn’t grow them. It sure did bring back a bunch of memories and smells though
  6. Start by riding with somebody else and letting them show you how to drive it haha.
  7. The Titans added Julio Jones a month or so ago, could be interesting
  8. Sam adams summer ale
  9. My answer to your question is, As my buddy Justin would say, “hard sayin not knowin” there are a million variables that could go one way or another, you’ll never know if it would have bit something different, something slower, something faster, something stopped………. All you can do is try! And just when you think you know what to do in a situation, the bass will change up and quit hitting it. Unpredictable those darn bass. Maybe even try the same exact thing again and again and eventually they will bite, you never know
  10. He would have never been injured working on my crew (aka fishing off the dock)
  11. Y’all ever heard the guy that tried some hot chili and had to drink some Mountain Dew?? If not, you’re welcome
  12. Well then it should straighten your hook and bring the lure back to you at an incredible rate of speed! If you can’t break it, wrap the braid around a stout branch and then pull. I’ve never actually had to do that, you can almost always break it if you pull hard enough. If you’re on shore just walk away from the snag
  13. Don’t cut it, that’s what leaves a bunch of line in the tree. Pull back with the rod straight (not bent) and the line will break at the hook/lure
  14. You must’ve been to Alpharetta before…..
  15. Two days in a row……. something had dragged this one to 3 different locations and eaten on it
  16. Probably stuck in traffic……
  17. Heck no . 6 pound mono for spinning and 12 pound for bait casting thick aquatic vegetation is the only time I’ve found braid gives any advantage
  18. ^that one tastes a lot better too
  19. even more hog
  20. Well that depends on which job I’m at . Two of them I would say it is accepted, one would be a little questionable, and one it’s definitely a big no-no
  21. A skunk! earlier this morning I had to inspect a school portable that they claimed smelled horribly of skunk. There was absolutely zero odor present, I told them to hop in with me and ride along if they want to really experience the mustelidae family aroma
  22. I can’t read this thread I get too excited
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