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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. I was thinking that when you did the walk thru video of the trailer, rusted bolts seem bad, and then you try to remove them……….. sometimes I think they are stronger than new ones
  2. Many thanks!!! Wait does this mean I have to get my old rusted one off??? Oh goodness
  3. My buddy will is responsible for the bent handle. He was backing down the trailer down talking on the phone to his ex wife and jack knifed hahaha. One of the wheels was off the ground!!! Me and my buddy were hollering for all we had to stop the truck, it was pretty funny
  4. Here’s my janky trailer, it also tilts. But by golly it’s strong, I guess they don’t make em like they used to. The coupler mechanism is comical, never seen one like it
  5. Hahahaha yup me neither. I’m still not sure what heady brooooo means but you used to hear it a lot over there. Asheville is only 90 miles from here and it’s always cooler and cloudier so it’s a fun place to visit but the roads going across the mountain are quite treacherous and I’d rather drive them (unless I’m going fishing, then I’ll scoot right across the ridge)
  6. Tournament anglers always want their hands on the fish, not the line. I’ve never been hooked while landing a fish but I’d rather do that than break off a nice one.
  7. The words I would use are “heady, broooo!”
  8. Well I was going to suggest we go fishing until I read that last part
  9. From what I’ve witnessed you are not alone, far from it. I would say you are in the majority group
  10. Shoot! You should see my 1957 trailer. Yours is mint condition compared to mine. I will say I have never seen that front platform deal, that’s homemade I guess. I have somehow been pulling mine completely rusted since I was 16 and it still works well i wish I could teleport to Minnesota and take that old winch off your hands! It’s in decades better shape than mine the important part is the axle hubs bearings and wheels, the rest is just gravy If you use a yellow tow strap around the belly of the boat
  11. It’s better! Costs less and doesn’t melt
  12. I’ve seen way too many people break off fish While lifting with the line. No thanks. When you are stuck on a log and you want to break the line what do you do? Unload the rod and snap it also I have seen dozens of posts if not more about people breaking Florocarbon but I bet you a nickel it’s still the number one selling line @DaubsNU1, you were right the rod is your shock absorber. Use it as such
  13. “Vent” means “big hole in house” to critters
  14. That’s about the 5th house we’ve done on that street with the same style vents in the last couple weeks. There’s insect screening inside those vents but that stuff is beyond useless. There are thousands of homes with attic vents like that, and the attics are typically hotter than most when I go in them so I don’t think the vents help much. Granted, ANY attic vent can be breeched by critters, we have seen them go in louvered vents, ridge vents, dome vents with fans, you name it. It just takes a whole lot longer to fix the slotted ones
  15. I dont catch many LMB but the smallies like them too
  16. We are doing bat exclusion today, those old slotted gable vents just let them right in. Tedious and sweaty
  17. I always tread lightly and carefully haha. The worst is when I catch one at the school portables and have to carry them all through the playgrounds, loading docks, etc with hundreds of kids asking me what I’m going to do with Pepe.
  18. Smallies are wonderful but there’s some freshwater fish that will put them to shame. Gar, channel cats, striped bass, wipers, and of course the silly carp The tube I use 99 percent of the time is strike king bitsy tube with a 1/8 round ball jighead inside
  19. I don’t catch many smallies on jerkbait. “Be a lot cooler if I did!”
  20. Junebug for worms of any shape
  21. Longshots didn’t work today, old reliable did
  22. I wouldn’t say “required.” I’ve never seen anyone wake surfing any distance from anyone, they only do it where they can be seen. And let me tell you, it’s beyond popular around here. They surf all winter long, and summer weekends are just comical
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