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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. I remember the first time I saw that , I wigged out pretty bad and slung the bat down into a customers shower hahaha. (I had just plucked it off the shower curtain ). got a skunk and a groundhog so far today
  2. Fish in right hand , unhook with left hand
  3. Hope y’all stay above water. 20 + people drowned in middle TN flooding this weekend, some pretty horrible stories and photos came out. One poor guy was holding onto his 4 kids and two of them were ripped away
  4. That’s the one!! I camped like a hobo when I went to Guntersville , can’t really even remember where but it wasn’t good . Bow fisherman in air boats running around all night long
  5. Haha! Yikes. The health department would’ve recommended you get your post exposure rabies shots. Lucky for you they only cost like $20,000
  6. Hotter the better for bats. They literally disappear from any house or building once it gets cold in November or December. Them and groundhogs are the only truly hibernating mammals in TN squirrels won’t go into a hot attic but we will start getting some calls about them in late September when all the hickory starts dropping
  7. Only one out of 3 vents had bats in it. Here’s the “one way out door” that we leave for them to fly out of and the wire mesh installed . We fix all the vents so the bats don’t just go from one to the other
  8. Gotcha thanks !!
  9. “Pencil sharpener” -swindle
  10. You could stop in Bristol VA at the new bass pro/cabela’s !
  11. I have at least one reel id like to do this to, which edges do you file down?
  12. More bat exclusion today cut a bunch of these, paint them to match the siding , cram them into the gaps and screw them into those wedges. It’s hot
  13. Keep us posted when you roll through, I could show you a few spots
  14. Absolutely. But by the time a bad spawn starts showing effects, most people have come up with some new excuses and don’t even remember the bad spawn (unless of course it pops up in their 24 hour newscycle feed)
  15. Most people can’t remember back six months, Much less for five years
  16. Well me and you know some of the same people it appears!!! fishing is all good here, lots of pressure and a moron like me can usually catch a nice smallie about any day of the year if you give me 2-3 hours
  17. I’m no medical expert but covid has jumped the seven seas (or at least six of them). Sure seems like you aren’t going to be able to hide from it on a 3 day fishing trip. Nothing is shut down anywhere around here that I know of, business as usual western NC recently experienced crazy flooding, there are still 20 people missing from Haywood county
  18. Zoom dead ringer
  19. A good direction to go! But they should let you burn fishing line haha. It’s always funny to me how hydro power brought jobs and electricity to my region in the 30s (tva) and it’s one of the most inefficient ways to make power. It sure helps with flooding though.
  20. That’s ironic since the city that makes the ordinance burns coal for power
  21. I doubt it’s the pole, fish can just throw a trap. They are great at it
  22. Did you have any reaction to it?
  23. My fishing buddy records with him some
  24. It’s looking like a favorite son of UT is going to make the squad, Jauan Jennings. He’s one of the fiercest competitors in the sport. He’s been injured many times and lost a few steps but he makes up for it with all the intangibles. The guy brakes tackles like none other, just refuses to go down
  25. Stay at a hotel while towing a boat? No thanks. Why is Guntersville out? Too far?
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