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Everything posted by TnRiver46

  1. I ventured downstream a tad and got a decent one, dragging a worm deepish
  2. Seems highly likely to me , my buddy got a nice one with a popper next to shore in 84 degree water yesterday . They don’t have to be to deep if they don’t want to
  3. Blue ticks are for raccoons not alligators
  4. I’m not sure how but I think you did it wrong
  5. That is not our trap so I’m not sure but I think there was just a handle with a rope tied to it for some reason. It was pretty Jank It kind of looks like he poured a can of beanie weenies on there
  6. Somebody already beat me to it but the difference is 1/16 of an ounce Thank you I’ll be here all week
  7. I’m sure I know a guy that still knows a guy if you want something better
  8. Mine was vacuum sealed in an unmarked package like it came from someone’s basement ha ha
  9. I would imagine it was made in Louisiana and then shipped to Kentucky. I got several sticks of it direct from a friend that used to live down there, oh my gosh it is good
  10. Ok I’m officially starving now
  11. Sounds like a party! If you have boudin please invite me
  12. Quit making me want one of those spools! Haha
  13. I just so happen to be at the shop and our office lady doesn’t work on Fridays. The phone rang and let’s just say I don’t have the super polite telephone manners like she does. It was one of our very good longtime customers that said he was trying to catch a raccoon in his own trap and accidentally caught a skunk. I told him he needs to check his traps before Friday afternoon next time, he got a kick out of that. Lucky for him I zipped right over there and got it
  14. Looks like you already denoggonized that one on top of the tackle box
  15. Haha! We just leave them a way out with no way back in. The less touching of bats the better
  16. I don’t think it was a PB but it was sure a big nasty rat. Update: still on fire. But I don’t have any whistle pig traps set haha 3 coons in 2 cages
  17. That’s pretty cool, I’ve caught those jokers all the way down in FLA
  18. Well that’s good your truck still works
  19. I’m on fire this morning. That sewer rat went 2.49 lbs on my rapala scale
  20. That’s how almost all the water is where I live
  21. Nice green fish!! I can see that drop off in the photo behind the scale
  22. Absolutely! She’s a beaut
  23. My buddy got a nice one with a popper I got a couple monsters like this
  24. Another bat job. At least the louvered vents are quicker than the slotted vents, we can just use one whole piece of wire here This is after we screwed 1/4 wire mesh onto the outside, the aim is to make it blend in.
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