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  1. I have one for sale in the Fishing Flea Market section . Add plastic , color and glitter turn it to 350 and 10 minutes laters your Gary Y' http://www.dropshots.com/MBroggi#date/2008-02-02/15:26:18
  2. Lebroc Industries http://pilotchair.com/cat-llebroc-gt-1-bass-boat-seating.cfm 2 buckets complety new $396 at your door the 204's
  3. If you go from a 75 to a 115 on your boat and it doesnt put it over the HP Rating your loking at 5-8 mph
  4. They make a 2 piece bearing greaser but the old fashion way was big glob of grease in your palm and rolll the grease in. I have found a trick to use a thick ziplock bag with a good amount of grease, put the bearing in the bag and twist or get all the air out then force the grease into the bearing much cleaner than in the hands. I also think it forces the grease in better.
  5. From whay you said about the lake it appears you are only running the big motor a very limited time (great for the gas budget) but if you are startign the boat 10 times and only running it 1/2 mile thats not helping charging that battery much. Then fishing for 8+ hours with all your electronics on is doing in that 24 series battery. I have never heard of any 24 series walmart battery being a "good one" The 29 series MAX Marine are know for being good ones. Your problem is pretty easy to diagnose. Marginal battery, no run time for the big motor to replenish the battery and you are fishing to long. One needs to be fixed. I'll look but bing a newer motor you should have a pretty good charging rate from the BRP 90 but it needs to run a bit during the day to charge that WM 24DP
  6. That old 24 series is the problem. It doesnt have a great deal of reserve AH. Get yourself a good dual purpose battery and go up to a 27. I highly recommend the Autozone Duralast Marine battery. Mine went 5 years and never had a problem fishing 8 hours running 2 graphs and pumps . They now have a 29 series thats only $10 more , never can have to much if you can fit it the boat. As far as the charger question. What motor do you have ? That determines it amp output. The Minnkota is limited to 10 amps but others like the TrollBridge can go higher if the gas motor has a large enough "alternator" or stator. One 1 mile run will not do much no matter what you have. But a 20 mile day will make a difference specially with the TrollBridge and a outboard with 35+amp output.
  7. The fin also will keep the boat from porposing and will crusie at much lower speeds on plane. Is the owner a big boy and own all bass proshops.? Is the prop way to big? 2 sides to the coins but the other repsonses could be true as well
  8. Del @ Del-marts has always been a great supplier, has great prices and very good customer service. http://www.del-mart.com/shop/home.php
  9. Heading to Lake George, Memorial Day weekend. Anyone have information if that is tradionally a spawning time? Thanks
  10. I have this on a 18' Stratos and works great. It floats. You have to be aware not to trim your motor up .
  11. 1 qt around 75 to 100 5" sticks need salt and softner as well
  12. http://bigdummybait.webs.com/ Made right here in RI
  13. The Manufactures are allowed +-10% so those 200 hp pushing 220 and those 225 Ho's at 247.5 are still legal. I hope to soon have a 250 pushing a LEGAL 275Hp. Your 115 may be in the 105 to 125 range. If its a older motor the HP may have been at the crank and then you really only have 95 in todays terms. If you are ever caught in a tournament or worse in a accident you will be sorry. You might be able to have the motor detuned or the Coast Guard approve the combinatation.
  14. WOW I didn't know RI grew bass that big. Great fish! Thanks The lake it came from has given up 4 fish over 9 lbs in the past five years. One word Bass Hole PHOTOSHOP
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