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About to_k5

  • Birthday 12/19/1974

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Fry (1/9)



  1. to_k5


    well we definitely have some characters around these parts. some good fishing spots too.
  2. to_k5


    :-[let me update my suggestion about saugahatchee. uh....how 'bout up until december it was $5.00 for a permit to fish there. it's now $150.00 for a non-resident permit. that's a helluva fee increase and i may sound crazy but to me it's worth it.(oh yeah-that's just to fish-i'd hate to know how much extra they add to that for permission to launch a boat.) :-/
  3. i'd have to say i'm partial to shimano-CALAIS-need i say more? but at the same time i own several other reels and there are more things i like than dislike about all of them. it's mostly personal preference.
  4. to_k5


    Thanks guys. Glad to be here. ;D
  5. to_k5


    Hey guys, if you haven't been to Saugahatchee Lake in Opelika you should check it out. It's probably a little less than an hour away from Montgomery. They require a permit from the utilities board of Opelika that's $5 and it's good for a year. It may be farther than you care to travel or sound like more trouble than it's worth but I promise it would be worth it. I've caught more big bass there just in the past couple of months than I caught at all of the other places that I fished at around here(Auburn/Opelika) all year combined.
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