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Everything posted by Ohioguy25

  1. How does water flow through the vent holes if it's above water most of the time? How long will minnows survive in the bait thing I have?
  2. When I say deep pools I mean 10 ft max, mostly casting right where the rapid transitions to still water and is only 3-5 ft deep. Is this shallow enough? It worked great before. I thought the guy above you just said they had returned to shallower waters now that it's cooling again?
  3. Haven't had much luck lately, been getting nibbles but can't seem to hook anything. I've been throwing live crawdads that I catch with a hand net right there in the small river I fish in near Dayton Ohio. 6' medium light fast action St. Croix with an Abu Garcia Revo X spinning reel, 8 lb mono test. Size 6 bait holder hook with a split shot. Been casting almost exclusively into where the rapids meet the deep calm pool at the end of the current. Had luck once a few weeks back but since then only nibbles. Are the fish just not eating right now or could it be they are seeing the 8 lb test line and I should switch back to 6?
  4. How exactly does the Frabil keep fresh water flowing through, doesn't it float and stay above water?
  5. Oh ok good point, how quickly would it use up the O2?
  6. So without holes in it they won't stay alive/fresh?
  7. Bait Up genie jar is this thing big/oxygenated enough or do I need the Frabill 6 qt one? I want something easy to access when I'm kayak fishing on a moving river. I also would prefer it was as small as can be. Just need it to be large enough to hold a few minnows/crawdads.
  8. I've tried it, along with multiple other artificial baits. Very little success. I'm guessing it requires extensive practice and skill.
  9. I am fishing for smallmouth on a small river in SW Ohio called the Little Miami. I have recently discovered how effective live bait is and I saw my friend was having a large amount of success catching smallmouth using small baitfish he was catching with a cast net. What size/type do I want? I am between the Betts Tyzac 1/4" mesh mono 5' and a Betts 1/4 with lead weights. I was told the lead weights sink faster but that the difference would be negligible in water as shallow as this river (2-5 feet mostly.)
  10. Gotcha, are Shimano's particularly better protected than Abu Garcia's bearings?
  11. Lol he said ARB stands for Anti Rust Bearing, that would be hilarious if it's reverse omg. So if I go kayaking and have my pole fastened to the deck of my kayak and it is getting splashed lightly most of the day when I'm not using it, I have to take it apart every time immediately after?
  12. You really think he was lying to me? I don't think he was trying to sell me a reel, he seemed pretty genuine.
  13. So was the guy in the specialty shop lying to me or did I just get a dud? I'm confused, I only dropped my reel in the water a few times. Is it possibly bc it was a Cabela's exclusive model?
  14. So what do you think caused the Pflueger to fail? I literally only got 1 season of very light use out of it.
  15. As I said it was the guy at the specialty shop who advised me that Shimano was probably the only reel under $100 that won't rust, not Field and Stream. If this isn't true then what do you suppose happened to my Pflueger?
  16. I thought the same. He said Shimano uses anti rust barrings (ARB) This much I was able to confirm is true, but I agree with your sentiment. A $100 reel should especially be good for at LEAST a year of freshwater use.
  17. I had owner a Pflueger Summit, Cabela's house model for about a year when I noticed it started sticking mid-summer. It was a gritty friction I felt when reeling in. I took it in to a local specialty shop who upon taking it apart discovered the barrings and anti-reverse mechanism had rusted and that the replacement parts/service would cost $44. For a $60 reel I obviously decided to forgo this and replace it. I bought the $100 Abu Garcia Revo X from Field and Stream, however the guy at the specialty shop warned me that at the price point I was shopping at Shimano was the only reel I would not run into the same rust problem with. Is this true?
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